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Omega Angel, Trotting Champ with a Halo of Victories, To Shine in UNBRIDLED Spotlight


Due to a scheduling error, the first episode of UNBRIDLED will air Sat., July 24, 6:30 to 7 a.m., on the Capital Region CBS affiliate WRGB-TV 6, and on radio station 87.7 FM. It was originally scheduled to air Sat., July 17. We apologize for the change.

He’s “hot to trot” in the harness racing circuit. His name is OMEGA ANGEL (Sire Taurus-Border Angel), the three-year-old gelding, who last year set a track record at Yonkers Raceway, broke it the following week, and won the 2004 Sire Stakes in Goshen, NY, earlier this month (July 4, 2004).

UNBRIDLED will feature OMEGA ANGEL on an all new episode July 24, 6:30 to 7 a.m., and again July 25, 11:30 a.m. to noon, on New York’s Capital Region CBS affiliate, WRGB-TV 6. The show will air nationally in August on Horse-TV (see for schedule).

OMEGA ANGEL is the first Standardbred to be featured on UNBRIDLED. The show has built a broad base audience through its Thoroughbred programming, and, now in its second season, is broadening its scope to include other breeds and disciplines. "It is our goal to share the joy of horses with every home in America and that joy is not bridled by the breed or discipline of the horse," said Susan Kayne, UNBRIDLED host and creator. "Horses enrich our lives and bring love and joy to all who encounter them. I was amazed at the quiet temperament and stamina of the Standardbred breed -- they are very hardy and very gentle at the same time. I am certain they’d make great riding horses when their racing days are over."

Kayne takes viewers behind the scenes of Saratoga Raceway to meet the winning trotter along with his owner, Doug Morton, and trainer and driver, John Mongeon.

In the episode, Morton explains the special bit and bridle used by OMEGA ANGEL as he gets geared up for his morning workout. Then, Kayne takes her first spin ever aboard a sulky as Mongeon teaches her the ropes – rather, “the reins” – of harness racing.

The episode will also feature New York Leading Thoroughbred Owner Sandford Goldfarb, a well-known character in harness racing, perhaps most notably as the owner of millionaire trotter SHADY CHARACTER. Goldfarb got his start in racing through harness and even took the reins as an amateur driver as he learned the game.

UNBRIDLED is produced and distributed by rockin’horse productions, the production unit of SUSAN KAYNE OMNIMEDIA, LLC, in Albany, NY. In its first season, UNBRIDLED won the 2003 Broadcast Media Excellence Award from the US Equestrian Federation, an organization of more than 85,000 members from the equine industry. The show was lauded for its unique approach to covering equine sports, packaging them in a fun, embraceable style and offering personal, in-depth interviews with the nation’s leading trainers, owners and jockeys. The show debuted last year during the Saratoga racing season on the local CBS affiliate, WRGB-TV 6 and was picked up by Horse-TV following the national recognition.

For more information, contact Anya Frost at 518-218-ROCK or The UNBRIDLED web site is


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