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“Yann Candele focuses on victory in the $15,000 ‘Casino de Montreal’ Open Welcome at the CSI-W Blainville Jumping International riding Mill Creek Stable’s Nurejev.”
Photo credit – Cealy Tetley
Flying Frenchman Yann Candele Receives Warm Welcome at CSI-W Blainville Jumping International

Blainville, Quebec --- Yann Candele of France proved why he is called ‘The Flying Frenchman’ with a win in Friday’s $15,000 ‘Casino de Montreal’ Open Welcome Stake at the Blainville Equestrian Park in Blainville, QC.

Candele had two horses among the 13 that advanced to the jump-off over the track set by Belgian course designer Eugene Mathy. The times grew faster and faster as each rider attempted to capture the win, but it was Candele who could not be beat. Riding Nurejev, a nine-year-old Belgian Warmblood gelding owned by Mill Creek Stables of Cambridge, ON, Candele stopped the timers at 41.35 seconds to take the victory.

Colombia’s Manuel Torres, 45, was the final rider on course to challenge, but the four-time Olympian only managed a time of 42.66 seconds, more than a full second slower than Candele, to move into second place riding Matilda Lina for owner Tucker Stern. Canadian Olympian Beth Underhill finished third with a jump-off time of 43.32 seconds riding Magdaline, a 10-year-old Dutch Warmblood mare by Ahorn.

With a second clear round in a time of 44.93 seconds, Candele took fourth place with another Mill Creek Stables entry, Mill Creek Marco Taere, a 10-year-old Belgian Warmblood gelding by Darco. Wednesday’s winner, 35-year-old Chris Pratt of Terra Cotta, ON, rounded out the top five riding Sue Grange’s Rivendell, a promising eight-year-old Westphalian gelding.

A total of $145,000 in prize money is offered throughout the five-day tournament at the CSI-W Blainville Jumping International. Saturday will feature the $20,000 Challenge Desjardins Modified Grand Prix while Sunday brings the flagship $60,000 Grand Prix Jumping du Quebec World Cup Qualifier that will see Ainsley Vince of Milton, ON, attempt to defend her title.

The $60,000 Grand Prix Jumping du Quebec World Cup Qualifier will be broadcast in French on Sunday, August 1 at 2 p.m. on RDS, and in English on Saturday, August 7 at 2 p.m. on Global television.

Located just north of Montreal, Blainville Equestrian Park features a variety of attractions that ensure family members enjoy their visit. For more information, please contact Blainville International at tel: (450) 434-8202, fax: (450) 434-8209, or e-mail:

$15,000 ‘Casino de Montreal’ Open Welcome – Final Results

Rider Hometown Horse Faults Time
1. Yann Candele France Nurejev 0:0 41.35
2. Manuel Torres Colombia Natilda Lina 0:0 42.66
3. Beth Underhill Schomberg, ON Magdaline 0:0 43.32
4. Yann Candele France Mill Creek Marco Taere 0:0 44.93
5. Chris Pratt Terra Cotta, ON Rivendell 0:0 48.47


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