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horse The Ultimate Clipping Solutions

Atlantic offers a complete range of clippers, blades and accessories that meet just about any requirement that you might have in the clipper department. Cordless battery powered models and mains powered models are available, for use on cattle, horses or sheep, in the yard or in the field. The detachable blades not only mean easier maintenance but also give certain models the versatility to be quickly converted for alternative uses with just a change of blade or head.

The huge array on offer includes models from all the top-notch manufacturers around the world - from heavy-duty prolonged use in a busy yard to occasional lighter-weight use, there is guaranteed to be a model that will suit your needs, whether you are a professional farmer, stockman or groom, or a smallholder.

For example, the Litening model, from Laube, is the smallest and lightest clipper around and is ideal for use on any animal. Available in three model variations - cordless twin speed, mains powered twin speed and mains powered variable speed - the Litening is rapidly growing in popularity for its powerful, smooth running and reliability. The 120-watt mains powered Heiniger Handy Clipper is lightweight and extremely quiet, making it ideal for clipping nervous animals, either cattle or horses. Or the pocket-sized, cordless 9590-017 Pro Series Rechargeable precision clipper from Wahl - ideal for field use, but with the option of mains power as required.

the Litening model from Laube

A complete line-up of blades, spares and accessories is available for all models and a fully trained and professional staff is on hand to answer any questions you might have and advise you on the best clipper for your requirements.

For further information, please contact Ian Menizes Atlantic Superstore, The Old Mill, Earsham, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 2TQ. Tel: 01986 891, fax: 01986 892496, email:


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