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Horse Whisperer Coming To Virginia Area!!

FRANK BELL, Legendary Horse Whisperer and Gentling Specialist, will be holding a clinic Saturday & Sunday, November 16 & 17, at Farmingdale Stables in Blacksburg, Virginia.

FRANK BELL has become a one-man revolution in his unique techniques and has been featured on national TV and radio. Unlock the mysteries of Natural Horsemanship using FRANK BELL'S highly successful 7-Step Safety System!

Learn Solutions for:

Superior Horse/Human Communication
Spooking & Shying
Aggressiveness and Nervousness
Jigging and Prancing
Mounting Problems
Herd Bound/Barn Sour
Proper Foot Handling
Difficult to Saddle
Proper Leading and Driving
Trailer Loading
Hands down, FRANK BELL has created the most straightforward set of exercises that immediately places a solid foundation under every horse and rider. Heightened safety equals heightened confidence for you and your horse. “Whatever equine discipline you choose will be greatly enhanced when you understand the theory, techniques, and timing of this remarkable system.”
-Frank Bell -

If you haven't signed up yet, there are still some rider openings; a deposit of $150 for riders reserves your space. There are unlimited openings for auditors/spectators.

Date & Time: SAT & SUN, November 16 & 17- 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Private Sessions: Private sessions with Frank Bell can be scheduled for the day after the clinic, Monday, November 18 (Contact Sylvia Scott).

Location: Farmingdale Stables, 301 Farmingdale Lane, Blacksburg, VA 24060

Riders: $250.00 for 2-day clinic - Bring a rideable horse - arrive 1/2 hour early; lunch included for clinic riders only; overnight horse board available at Farmingdale Stables, if needed.

Spectators: $20.00/day - Please call ahead if possible.

Riders & Spectators bring a chair & weather gear.

Spectators/auditors also bring a lunch.

Accommodations: We have arranged with the Four Points Sheraton in Blacksburg, Virginia, to offer Frank Bell clinic participants discounted rooms. The Four Points Sheraton is one of the closest hotels to the Frank Bell clinic site at Farmingdale Stables (3.5 miles):

Four Points Sheraton
900 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
Telephone: (540) 552-7001

Call Sheraton Central Reservations at: 1-800-325-3535.
To receive discount room rate of $75/night, remember to mention "Frank Bell Clinic" when making room reservation!!

For Rider/Spectator Clinic Reservations:

Call SYLVIA SCOTT at:540-953-3360
Or to sign up online CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Or email Sylvia Scott at

All major credit cards are accepted.

DIRECTIONS: Farmingdale Stables is located at the north end of Blacksburg, right at the intersection of the 460 bypass and the 460 business district loop (which is also called North Main Street). For a more detailed interactive map, and for further clinic information, go to Sylvia Scott's website at:


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