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Phil Jobson, Kathryn from Kathryn's Riding School and Tony Dobbin with Arthur the horse outside Jobsons Farm shop in Penrith
Jobsons Farm shop successfully opened by Tony Dobbin

Champion jockey Tony Dobbin, the 1997 Grand National Winner, officially opened Jobsons Farm Health Penrith Shop with a Worms, Wheezes and Wines evening, held on 3rd October.

The well-attended event provided an opportunity for horse owners and equine enthusiasts from all over Cumbria to get some advice and information about horse care.

Phil Jobson, Managing Director of Jobsons, presented Tony Dobbin with a cheque as a donation to the Injured Jockeys Society.

As a family event, children were entertained with a lucky dip and drawing competition and were also eager to see Kathryn from Kathryn's Riding School, Lazonby trim 'Arthur' the horse's locks in a clipping demonstration. Further Seasonal advice was given by suppliers and a qualified veterinary rep, who gave talks and advice on feeding rules, worming regimes and respiratory disease.

The finale of the evening was the grand prize draw, which was won by Alison Gasgarth form Eamont Bridge near Penrith. She was lucky enough to win a year supply of wormer, 4 equest, 2 equitape and a fleece top, which were donated by various suppliers.

Phil Jobson, Managing Director of Jobsons Farm Health handing over a donation to Tony Dobbin on behalf of the Injured Jockeys Society.

Phil Jobsons, Managing Director commented that

"The event was a great success and a fitting opening of our Penrith shop. The response reflects the huge rise in horse ownership and we are matching that market shift with much more emphasis on equine advice and products whilst not changing our core farm business,"

With the success of the first Equine evening, Jobsons are to hold another such event on the 28th November for anyone who was unable to attend.



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