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Sarah Kreutzer

Sarah Kreutzer is a woman that believes in Monty Roberts' non-abusive methods. She uses them every day when dealing with both animals and people and knows that they hold the key to restoring successful channels of communication.

Born in Australia, Sarah, 30, was raised with horses, in fact she could probably ride long before she could walk. Her mother ran the local riding stables and so a career in the equine world seemed the most natural path to follow.

She studied hard gaining a National Certificate in the Management of Horses from agricultural college, British Horse Society qualifications and a National Certificate in Agriculture.

It was not until some years later that Sarah made contact with Monty Roberts after reading his inspirational book, The Man Who Listens To Horses. The horseman's ethos seemed to be particularly relevent to Sarah who, at the time, was struggling to come to terms with the death of a close friend, killed in a tragic riding accident.

"Once I read the book, I couldn't wait to go out and do it. I had been through a pretty bad time and his way of thinking made me take a completely fresh look at things." says Sarah.

"I couldn't wait to get out there and try it. I signed up for a ten week course in this country before I was chosen to go to America to train at Monty's Californian ranch."

From there, there was no looking back. Sarah worked hard, often for up to ten hours a day, soaking up as much information as she could.

"I discovered muscles in my body I didn't know existed," she says with a smile. "I got kicked in the leg and thrown off by horses that reared and bucked. It was a fantastic learning experience for me."

Sarah later went on to become an certified instructor herself and became part of the development team that wrote the certified courses run by the Monty Roberts organisation.

On her return to North Yorkshire, Sarah used her skills and knowledge to establish Learning To Listen, bringing Monty's methods to the north of England and Scotland.

Her company provides the opportunity to gain Monty Roberts Introductory Courses in Horsemanship without having to travel to California. She also offers, lessons, training, clinics and home visits, working on either on a group or individual basis and lectures at colleges and universities.


Sarah also believes in applying non-abusive methods of communication based on mutual trust, respect and partnership to people. Learning To Listen now offers a Person 2 Person service where Sarah and her team operate a social programme for young people and children with emotional and behavioural problems.

"All our work is underpinned by time and patience - it is very humbling to see tthe kids' behaviour improve as their self-esteem and confidence grows." she says.

Sarah Kreutzer can be contacted by phoning: 01765 689368 or emailing:

horse Visit the Monty Roberts Learning Centre on Stand No. 53 at the British Equine Event, 2nd & 3rd November 2002


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