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horse Clipper Advice



Offers an unrivalled selection of Clippers and Trimmers for electrically clipping all breeds of Horses, Livestock and domestic pets. The Mail Order Service supplies thousands of customers both professional and domestic from all over the UK, and Europe, UK customers ordering before 12noon Mondays to Thursdays receive their purchases the next day.

The Peasridge web site is Europe's largest web site for animal clippers and a wide range of animal grooming product. A special sector for horses introduces the web visitor to an exciting range of grooming products not always readily found in tack shops and other retail outlets within the UK.

The "Clipper Advice" sector of the web site is unique! There is nothing similar which introduces the user to the basics relating to both clipping machines as well as the all-important blades, and gives helpful advice on repairs and servicing.

For technical information, detail diagrams, parts identification, and helpful information on electric animal clippers visit:-

For detailed information and photographs on clipper blades and their specific uses visit:-

A new section has been added to "Clipper Advice" entitled "CLIPPING ADVICE" Considering the increasing number of owners now turning to clipping their animals themselves "CLIPPING ADVICE" is designed to give both general advice and information (Not tutorial instruction!) on why one clips and the various types of clips one may consider.

web address:

horse Visit Peasridge on Stand No. 240 at the British Equine Event, 2nd & 3rd November 2002


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Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.