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horse Wylye Valley Mounted Games Team win the Robinsons Trophy at The Horse of the Year Show

Wylye Valley Pony Club Mounted Games rode superbly in the first mounted games competition of the week, the Robinsons Trophy. Wylye are competing at The Horse of the Year Show as one of the six top team mounted games teams in the country - from the initial 180 teams entered. Wylye came second in the first round of the Robinsons' competition, but didn't fair so well in the second round and dropped a place to third. Wylye are just three points behind the leaders Oakley West who last year won the main competition the prestigious Prince Philip Cup.

The Robinsons' Trophy is the preliminary competition to the Prince Philip Cup, which is the culmination for the Pony Club Mounted Games teams and runs every day during the week of The Horse of the Year Show. The Wylye Valley Team is: brother and sister, James (13) and Michelle Stark (15) from Stanton Drew riding their ponies Magic and Rossi, their cousin Chris Clinton (13) from Chewton Mendip riding Misty, Mary Chivers (14) from Stratton on the Fosse (Rosie), Tayah Barrs (13) from Freshford (Bouncer) and reserve rider Vicky Andrews (15). Their trainer is Maria Gibson from East Compton.
After the first round last years Prince Philip Cup winners Oakley Hunt West took the lead. In the second round rookies Crickhowell and District came from behind but in the last game of the session Crickhowell had a problem and Oakley won the game and just maintained the lead by two points.

Because of the draw the third round on Thursday morning meant that Wylye Valley and Eglinton Hunt both had a game in hand over both Crickhowell and Oakley. Wylye rode superbly on Thursday and in their three races had two seconds and a win. Oakley West did their very best to compensate for Wylye's game in hand but despite putting in a second and a win Wylie just beat them by one point.

The question is - is this a good omen for Oakley? In last years competition Oakley also lost the equivalent to the Robinsons Trophy, the HorseIT Shield, by one point but then went on to win the Prince Philip Cup.

Results of the Robinson's Trophy.

1st Wylye Valley 32 points
2nd Oakley Hunt West 31 points
3rd Eglinton Hunt 30 points
4th Clydach and District 26 points
5th Crickhowell and District 25 points
6th South Trent 22 points


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