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Lisa Singer Wins Triple Crown of Driving Presented By Driving Essentials/Glinkowski Carriages

Fair Hill, MD—October 28, 2002—Lisa Singer of Chadds Ford, PA, won the 2002 Triple Crown of Driving, presented by Driving Essentials/Glinkowski Carriages, marking the third time she has won the Triple Crown since the series’s inauguration in 1996. Singer also claimed the Triple Crown title in 1996 and 1997.

Driving a Morgan pair owned by Mimi Thorington, Singer started off the series in second place behind Kate Shields of Middleburg, VA, following the first leg held at The Laurels at Landhope Driving Event in September. There, Shields won the Advanced Singles division with a score of 108.10 penalties, and Singer won the Advanced Pairs division with a score of 110.70.

Singer then took first place in the United States Equestrian Team Pairs Championship at the Gladstone Driving Event, the second leg of the Triple Crown, held October 11-13, with a score of 118.88 penalties. Her score, the best overall, propelled her into first place in the Triple Crown series going into the third and final leg of the series at the Fair Hill International, October 24-27. Shields won the Advanced Singles division at Gladstone with a score of 129.63 penalties, placing her second overall in the Triple Crown standings.

Singer took first place in Fair Hill’s Advanced Pairs division with a score of 143.90 penalties. Her overall total of 229.60 penalties (counting her two best of three scores) gave Singer the Triple Crown title over Shields, who placed fifth in the Advanced Singles division at Fair Hill with a score of 132.60 penalties. Shields finished in second place in the Triple Crown standings with a final score of 237.70 penalties.

Following is a breakdown of the final 2002 Triple Crown of Driving standings:

Name Laurels Place Gladstone Total Place Fair Hill Best 2 Final
Singer, Lisa 110.70 2 118.90 229.60 1 (143.94) 229.60 1
Shields, Kate 108.10 1 129.60 237.70 2 (132.58) 237.70 2
Vanderhoof, Dave 132.30 3 133.10 265.10 3 (141.71) 265.10 3
Poulin, Larry 150.60 4 (177.20E) 327.80 4 144.84 295.44 4

The Triple Crown champion was determined by adding each competitor’s two best final scores from the three events – The Laurels, the Gladstone Driving Event, and the Fair Hill International – with the championship being awarded to the driver with the lowest combined score from his or her two best events. The competition is open to horses showing at the advanced level in the Singles or Pairs divisions. There is no U.S. citizenship requirement, but drivers must compete at all three of the participating events.

As the 2002 Triple Crown champion, Lisa Singer received a Glinkowski Carriage provided by Driving Essentials, Inc. Previous winners of the Triple Crown of Driving are Nancy Johnson (2001), Sue Mott (2000), Kimberly Wheeler (1999), Elizabeth Chesson (1998), and Lisa Singer (1996 and 1997).

For more information on the Triple Crown of Driving, please call (610) 486-6484


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