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horse Grand Blossom's Premium Pollen Nutrient found to be one of natures strongest Antioxidents and Maximizes Equine Digestion

Grand Blossom's Premium Pollen Nutrient is now available in compact 30-day trial containers. Served to several legendary performance horses, pollen nutrients produced in America have been a vital source of nutrition and have been an integral part of their success. Pollen is a natural food source of more than 17 Vitamin Complexes, 16 naturally chelated minerals, over 18 amino acids, Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, 18 Enzymes & Coenzymes as well as complex carbohydrates.


Premium Pollen Nutrient is the richest blend of American pollen and unlike most imported pollen, Grand Blossom's Pollen is caffeine free and performance
legal. Technically, pollen is a potent yet natural vitamin rich food source for animals. It is served in small volumes like a supplement but is also palatable, affordable and safe.

Consumed in its natural form, fresh pollen maximizes the digestion of expensive feed and can be mixed with supplements to Maximize their digestion. In addition, a recent study has proven this pollen as having an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value of 247 which places it as natures strongest antioxidant ahead of the Black Raspberry by more than 50%. Antioxidants protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals .

Premium Pollen Nutrient also contains the highest content of Polyphenols with 200% more than cranberries which, in the past, was believed to have the highest levels.Polyphenols include Bioflavaniods,organic acids,and phenolic acids and most of the antioxidants in food is attributed to its polyphenal content. Whether your horse is a serious competitor or if you ride for your own personal pleasure, Grand Blossom's Premium Pollen Nutrient will provide all of the necessary nutrients your horse deserves.

Grand Blossom also produces Premium Hoof Nutrient with Biotin, Premium Coat Nutrient blended with Defatted Flax Flakes and Rice Brand, and In-Training Nutrient containing Medical Grade Glucosamine,Vitamin E and Natural Vitamin A from fish oil. All nutrients above also include Premium Pollen Nutrient to maximize digestion and provide your horse with a source of general nutrition. Grand Blossom's Premium Pollen Nutrient is now available in compact 30-day trial containers.
Learn more at or call Mainline Brands to locate a Grand Blossom dealer in your area at 602-308-4744.

Pollen has been used since ancient times as "functional foods" because of their perceived health-promoting effects for the human body. In modern times, this perception - that beehive products promote health due to nutritionally beneficial compounds - has increasingly come under question. The skepticism has been partially due to the lack of scientific studies examining the issue, as well as the scarcity of identifiable and measurable parameters to base health-related studies on. Recently, new laboratory techniques have been developed that make it easier to study the beneficial effects and the nutritional make-up of natural substances. And so, we were not surprised to learn that our Pollen scored the highest ORAC antioxidant score of any of the whole foods yet tested. ORAC Tests
The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) test** is an emerging standard by which science measures antioxidant activity in foods and dietary supplements. Antioxidants are important to protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals (reactive oxygen species). Cell membranes are susceptible to free radicals because they are largely composed of fatty acids (lipid bi-layer). Poly-unsaturated fatty acids are particularly susceptible to free-radical-mediated oxidation because of their unique structure. Cell membrane damage due to oxidation of fatty acid membrane components (lipid peroxidation) can lead to the disruption of the function and structure of entire cells. It is important to maintain normal levels of lipid peroxidation of lipoproteins.
Dietary antioxidants, or free radical-scavengers, may play a preventive role in protecting a person's health. High levels of antioxidant activity, as determined by ORAC, have been found to be present in blueberries and black raspberries. When the ORAC scores of these berries became known annual consumption of those fruits increased dramatically. Berries became reputed to be the foods possessing the most antioxidant activity of all the whole foods. The highest ORAC scores for wild blueberries is listed at 61 ORAC units (umole TE/g). Black raspberries scored higher at 164 ORAC units (see attached ORAC Comparison Chart).
Recently, Grand Blossom’s Pollen tested for ORAC antioxidant activity by an independent lab. The result was 247 ORAC units, the highest score ever recorded for any whole food. As a "functional food", nothing comes close to to this pollen.
Polyphenol Quantification Tests
Certain laboratories are now also measuring the polyphenol content of foods and supplements. Polyphenols are called aromatic compounds, and they are biochemically characterized by the presence of six-carbon rings with an attached hydroxy (OH) group, called phenols. A molecule that contains more than one phenolic ring is called a polyphenol. Polyphenols, as a class of nutrients, include bioflavonoids, organic acids, and phenolic acids. Most of the antioxidant activity of a food is created by polyphenols. Polyphenols have been extensively studied in terms of their antioxidant activity and health-promoting biological activities. Generally, total polyphenol content is regarded as a measure of the health-promoting qualities of a whole food.
Once again, Grand Blossom’s Pollen tested, this time for total polyphenol content, and the results were the highest polyphenol content of any food yet tested, at 15.05 mg/g. The next highest reading was cranberries at 5.575 mg/g.
**ORAC comparison charts available on request.

Think about it!

Ever see a horse reach over and try to eat the flowers from a wreath after they just won a race or a show? Well it isn't because of the pretty colors! Our horses crave the pollen in those flowers because it is a natural source of nutrition.
Horses are grazing animals and unfortunately many of us are forced to confine our friends to their stables. We all know the healthiest equine are free to graze on the lush fields and meadows of our American grass lands. Pollen is "natures supplement" and is naturally consumed when horses graze.
That's why we decided to collect only the finest pollens from America and then blend them together to provide your horse with this rich, vital ingredient.
Now that makes sense!
Grand Blossom's Premium Pollen Nutrient is Veterinarian recommended.
Supported by several world class trainers.
Performance legal, safe and horses love it's sweet taste.
Produces results in as little as 5 days.
Provides over 40 vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Includes several potent enzymes to promote healthy
normal digestion and serves as a strong but natural antioxidant.
Stimulates proper weight gain and provides coat enhancement.
Feed for stress control or as a balanced source of natures nutrition.

Bring the grass lands to your stables today!
Go to WWW.GrandBlossom.Com

Premium Coat Nutrient Get ready for that winter coat now! This is the fastest acting, all natural coat and conditioning nutrient made today. Contains Defatted Flax Flakes and Rice Bran. Produces a thick and shiny show coat in less than 30 days with limited weight gain. Includes Premium Pollen Nutrient to provide a balanced source of natures nutrition.
Horses love flowers too!
Ever see a horse reach over and try to eat the flowers from a wreath after they just won a race or a show? Well it isn't because of the pretty colors! Your horse craves the pollen in those flowers because it is a natural source of nutrition.
Horses are grazing animals and unfortunately many of us are forced to confine our friends to their stables. We all know the healthiest equine are free to graze on the lush fields and meadows of our American grass lands. Pollen is "natures supplement" and is naturally consumed when horses graze.
That's why we decided to collect only the finest pollens from America and then blend them together to provide your horse with this rich, vital ingredient.
Now that makes sense!
Grand Blossom's Premium Pollen Nutrient is Veterinarian recommended.
Supported by several world class trainers.
Performance legal, safe and horses love it's sweet taste.
Produces results in as little as 5 days.
Provides over 40 vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Includes several potent enzymes to promote healthy
normal digestion and serves as a strong but natural antioxidant.
Stimulates proper weight gain and provides coat enhancement.
Feed for stress control or as a balanced source of natures nutrition.
Bring the grass lands to your stables today!
Go to WWW.GrandBlossom.Com

PPN is an American blend of the most potent pollens from across the country.See our website at WWW.GrandBlossom.Com
Grand Blossom products are a natural approach when solving horse related nutrition problems. It is also used to supplement or maintain equine with nutrients that may be missing from their diet. See ingredients at WWW.GRANDBLOSSOM.COM or call Mainline Brands at 602-308-4744.
Premium Pollen Nutrient (PPN) A unique, American blend. And popular as an all natural whole food, all in one antioxidant, digestive aid and broad spectrum nutrient.



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