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Texan Online

Taking care of 10 horses, plus being a fulltime escrow officer can keep a Texas girl pretty busy. But it can't keep her from going to college in New Mexico.
Jeanie Choate of Manard, TX, enrolled in New Mexico State University's Training Performance Horses course, and now she just sits down at her computer anytime she wants to go to class.
"The idea of learning at home and when I please is really appealing. I can go to class when I have time, and I can work at my own pace."
Training Performance Horses is a nine-lesson, step-by-step, how-to course which begins before the first saddle and takes the horse all the way to the flying change of leads. How to teach every basic exercise from the stop to the haunches-in is covered in the course. A noncredit course, students receive a certificate of recognition for their efforts when they complete the program.
Choate's primary horse interest lies with working ranch horses. She intends to prepare and sell horses ready to enter show ring performance classes.
Students can begin the course, written by internationally known author/trainer Don Blazer, at any time. Each lesson has a true-false quiz and a narrative report which is reviewed by Blazer and returned with his comments and suggestions. Students meet with Blazer and other students in a chat room weekly to discuss problems and progress.
New Mexico State University also offers an online course in horse Coat Color Genetics.
Sample text from course lessons and quiz questions can be reviewed along with enrollment information at Students may also call (505) 287-6670 for registration information. Fee for the Training Performance Horses course is $200.


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