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horse Breen takes first blood at Millstreet

Shane Breen, riding Sculptured, won the first Open Horse Class at the Dairygold Indoor Show in Millstreet, Co Cork, today (Friday, Nov 1).
The Cashel rider jumped a clear round in 50.98 seconds in the one-round speed competition to beat the time of 51.46secs set by Antrim's Harry Marshall and Pakko.
Steven Smith and Wise Crack filled the minor placing.
The feature class today is the 6,000 euro Dairygold Indoor Derby, while tomorrow sees the Dairygold Indoor Grand Prix, worth 10,000 euro.

Dairygold Indoor Show, Millstreet Oct 31-Nov 3
Open Horse Competition
1. Sculptured (Shane Breen) 0-50.98secs,
2. Pakko (Harry Marshall) 0-51.46secs,
3. Wise Crack (Steven Smith) 0-53.14secs.
4. Coolcorron Cool Willow (Robbie Splaine) 0-56.18secs.
5. Cavalier’s Choice (Joan Greene) 0-56.62secs.
6. Killossery Kruisette (Lt David O’Brien) 0-57.45secs.


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