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Kim Smith-Bingham of Equissage presents Molly Key with the Equissage Young Achievement Award.

Molly Key wins new Equissage Young Achievement Award

AFTER an exceptional season, 18-year-old Molly Key from Chiddingfold in Surrey was honoured with the new Equissage Young Achievement Award at the recent Seahorse Ball at the South of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex.

The prestigious Young Achievement Award, open to all South East eventers aged 25 and under, is being supported by well known equine physiotherapy experts Equissage, and Molly received a week's training with top event rider Tiny Clapham and the Equissage Trophy from Kim Smith-Bingham.

Molly Key was chosen by the South East Eventers League's advisors, who had been watching competitors throughout the season to find the rider they felt was most deserving of the Equissage Young Achievement Award.

She not only lifted two titles with Charlwood owner Clare Heron's 11-year-old grey gelding Jesters Quest in the S.E.E.L Awards - the Coakham Masters Juniors and the Hungry Horse Surrey Riders ahead of Pippa Funnell - but won two major national events at the end of the season.

Although Molly and Jesters Quest narrowly missed making the British team for the European Junior Championships, they went on to win the Jumpers Horseline Junior Regional Novice Championships at Weston Park one star three-day, and two weeks later, Molly and her seven-year-old Double Act won at Aldon Two-Day.

The Young Achievement Award is important in identifying and rewarding young talent in the South East and League Co-ordinator Roland Clarke welcomed the continued involvement of Equissage.

"The South East Eventers League aims to encourage the growth of eventing throughout the region at all levels and believes in building for the sport's future," he said.

Kim Smith-Bingham of Equissage added: "Tiny Clapham is a big fan of the Equissage physiotherapy system which she uses on all the horses in the yard and we hope Molly will learn a great deal from spending a week with her."

For information on Equissage call: 0800 0721180


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