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Norman Dello Joio And Glasgow Win $100,000 National Horse Show Jumper Championship Presented by Lexus at 120th National Horse Show

WELLINGTON, FL – November 28, 2003 – Norman Dello Joio of Wellington, Florida, riding Glasgow owned by The Glasgow Group won the $100,000 National Horse Show Jumper Championship CSI-W presented by Lexus at the 120th National Horse Show tonight. One of the featured classes of the show, the Grand Prix was held in the outdoor Internationale Arena under lights, kicking off an evening of competitions and exhibitions called Jumping Under the Stars. The 120th National Horse Show runs from November 26-30 at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club show grounds, in Wellington, Florida.

Twenty-five riders attempted the first round track built by course designer Jose Gamarra. With 15 jumping efforts, which included a double at Fence 5 and a triple at Fence 7, the sprawling course produced only three clear trips. Fourteen riders had time faults including four riders who jumped clean but couldn’t cross the timers in the 83-second time allowed. In the jump-off, Margie Engle of Wellington, FL, aboard her Olympic mount Hidden Creek’s Perin was first to go and posted a clear round in 37.85 seconds, well under the 41-second time allowed on the eight-effort track. Chasing Engle’s time, Molly Ashe, also of Wellington, went next riding Lutopia for owner Jane Clark, but had a rail down at the fourth jump, and crossed the timers in 38.03 for third place. Dello Joio aboard Glasgow, an 11-year-old Dutch warmblood gelding, was third to go and crossed the timers fault-free in 36.48 for the win.

Engle and Ashe said that they had no problem with the first round’s time allowed. Dello Joio explained the difficulty, “It was a little shadowy and it took a little time in the beginning for the horse to adjust to the light, so a lot of us were a little careful in the beginning, but as my horse adjusted, I tried to make it up later.” Dello Joio shaved seconds by speeding up after the double. “I really galloped there, because I felt, ‘Boy, I’m really picking my way around here.”

Going into the tiebreaker, Dello Joio didn’t see Engle’s round, but watched Ashe’s as a guide. “I think Molly’s horse is super fast and Molly is a super fast rider. I could see her time and it was a big help,” said Dello Joio. He planned and successfully executed his fastest gallops from fence one to two and then around to the last line, which shaved 1.37 seconds off of Engle’s time, giving him the championship win to the roar of the crowd.

Show jumping fans filled the sold-out Diamond Horse Shoe Club and box seats, and general admission seating was standing room only in the 7500-capacity arena. “A night class is fun,” said Dello Joio. “It seems to be fun for the public to come and watch at night. Anything we can do to help our sport is a good thing.” He added that the local crowds have become well educated about horses and riding. “When they see a good round, they know it.”

At last year’s National Horse Show, Dello Joio placed second in the Jumper Championship. He recalled that he had only claimed victory once before in this Championship – more than 30 years ago at Madison Square Garden aboard Allegro. He’s happy about having the National Horse Show in his hometown now. “It’s a great show and we’ll support it as long as it’s here.”

Spectators also enjoyed entertaining exhibitions of Friesians, Andalusians, Lusitanos, and Romany horses presented by Frieze Frame Friesians, as well as a roping and horsemanship presentation by Mexican charro Gerardo Diaz.

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Children age 12 and under are always free. General admission seating for adults, Wednesday through Saturday (on Friday, there are separate day and evening tickets), is $10/each, with Sunday priced at $15/each; children over the age of 12 and seniors (65 and older) are $7/each. Diamond Horse Shoe Club and box seating information and reservations can be obtained by calling (800) 237-8924 or the Special Events office at (561) 753-3389.


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