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A unique blend produces genius between two equine disciplines

The British Horse Society and Riding Clubs in Scotland host a powerful event sponsored by Equenox

Scotland enjoyed a unique blend of two sporting disciplines last week (27 November) when The British Horse Society and British Riding Clubs in Scotland hosted 'An evening with Jeanette and Emile' - a Masterclass featuring Jeanette Brakewell and Emile Faurie and sponsored by Equenox, the equine clothing company.

The event, held at Gleneagles EC, was enjoyed by over 500 people and its hallmark was the complementary styles of the two presenters; mixing the artistry and science of the disciplines produced excellent entertainment as well as education.

The first part of the evening saw Jeanette and Emile on youngsters, discussing how they train for dressage and eventing. Emile brought out 'Wild at Heart', a six-year-old Oldenberg stallion bred in England by owner Lady Bamford, to exhibit the qualities of obedience and elegance looked for in a potential dressage horse.

Jeanette rode the enthusiastic and athletic 'Rickadoo', a four-year-old Thoroughbred/warmblood cross, demonstrating that the raw material of the ideal event horse is right attitude and temperament, good confirmation to safeguard soundness and as near to thoroughbred as possible to provide speed and sharpness.

During the interval came an equine first, a fashion show with human and horsey models, finely choreographed and set to music, displaying Equenox horse and rider gear that had the enthralled audience toe-tapping and, better still, shopping.

The world of high fashion and the catwalk is not too alien for Emile Faurie who is to be in his first big screen production this February, a short film with ballet dancer Adam Cooper aimed at the Cannes Film Festival.

The second half of the evening saw Emile riding 'Livello', an eight-year-old Rheinlander gelding, to show all the movements in a grand prix test including some stunning one-time tempo changes. Emile commented, "This horse is so exquisite I am genuinely thinking of preparing him for the Athens Olympics, he is extremely expressive and trainable."

Jeanette's flying 'Lady Tiffany' is untypical of the usual Brakewell style. Jeanette said, "She's the one I take show jumping in the winter to pay for my diesel as she always wins prize money; a flying machine who enjoys her work, an honest fun horse." The pair demonstrated indoor cross-country involving accuracy and corners.

The Masterclass was held between two days of teaching for Jeanette and Emile and their classes were a sell-out. Emile said, "It was nice to be presented with a mix of riding club and leisure riders, along with some stunning Scottish dressage combinations and top show jumpers. As a trainer who likes to get involved it was satisfying to introduce a new perspective and advise all levels of riders." Jeanette added, "The clinics have been great as everyone asks questions and is so enthusiastic. In every combination we saw improvement, which was gratifying."

Hamish Lochore, MC for the evening, ensured a well-organised event with a bonus of a well-subscribed raffle that jointly raised over £400 for BHS and ILPH.


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