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Ohio Top Hands Rodeo Drill Team To Perform at the Can-Am All Breeds Equine Emporium

January 10, 2003… Hold onto your hats and tighten your saddles, the internationally renowned Ohio Top Hands Rodeo Drill Team will be performing at the Can-Am All Breeds Equine Emporium.

The Can-Am All Breeds Equine Emporium, the first all encompassing equine show ever held in Canada, is scheduled March 13-16 at the Western Fairgrounds in London, Ontario.

Since their debut in 1998, the Ohio Top Hands - 12 world class women riders performing various drills in spectacular costume - has delighted audiences in major shows and parades throughout the United States. In 2002, they were crowned Mid-America Drill Team Champions in Kentucky.

"Our performances are written for 12 horses, but can be adapted for up to 16," said team captain and founder, Ginger Ryals, who also choreographs each of the difficult drills. "We perform to music and always carry American flags. We're a lot like the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride, except we're more rodeo style. We performed with them at the 1998 California State Fair, but we've never been to Canada before, so we'll get some Canadian flags."

Ryals said one of the Top Hands' signature moves is a rider entering the arena at a full speed gallop and carrying a flag while standing. The maneuver is called a Hippodrome and displays the incredible athleticism of the rider.

"We absolutely delighted to have such a wonderful riding team like the Ohio Top Hands join the All Breeds Equine Emporium," said Paul Maguire, President of Can-Am Equine. "The spectators will thoroughly enjoy their great skills and talented horses."

Maguire added that the Ohio Top Hands will perform each day in the Ontario Arena at the Emporium.

Ryals, whose enthusiasm and passion for her work is immediately evident when speaking to her, said that audiences love it when the show announcers introduce the Ohio Top Hands prior to a performance.

"This is the Western Woman. The American girl and her horse: Unstoppable, unflappable, sunny, hot and severely beautiful. And here to knock your socks off."

Sounds like a performance no one should miss.

Tickets for the Can-Am All Breeds Equine Emporium are on sale at all TSC Hardware stores and Masterfeed dealers throughout Ontario, or visit



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