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Greathouse & Sheehy Now Handling Advertising For TVG, Keeneland Magazine, The Official Kentucky Derby Souvenir Magazine and The Official Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships' Souvenir Magazine

LEXINGTON, KY - Lexington-based media services and advertising agency, Greathouse & Sheehy, LLC, is now the exclusive advertising representative for Keeneland magazine. They are also national consumer representatives for Blood-Horse Custom Publications, including the Kentucky Derby Souvenir Magazine and the Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships' Souvenir Magazine.

In addition, TVG named Greathouse & Sheehy, LLC, as a sales agent for national advertising sales on its television network. TVG is the only broadly distributed interactive sports television network that combines the excitement of live horse racing from premier U.S. racetracks and the convenience of in-home, account wagering. TVG network programming, available nationwide on DISH Network (Channel 405) and on select cable systems, features live horse racing from America's premier racetracks, with commentary, interviews, in-depth race analysis, handicapping/wagering tutorials, and originally produced programming for racing's major events.

"We are delighted to have been awarded the contracts from TVG and Blood-Horse Custom Publications, especially Keeneland magazine. This will provide our clients with media and marketing plans to optimize their presence within the Thoroughbred industry and beyond," said Lisa Sheehy. "Our ability to help clients in the production of print, television and radio ads, as well as media placement, enables us to take client services to a higher level."

For additional information, contact Cyndi Greathouse or Lisa Sheehy, Greathouse & Sheehy, LLC, Dudley Square, 380 South Mill Street, Suite 205, Lexington, KY 40508. Telephone: 859-258-2211; Fax 859-258-2219; E-mail:



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