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Lendon Gray Fundraising Clinic in Malden Bridge, NY, April 11, 2003 for The Equine Fund.

January 14, 2003 -- The Equine Fund, a non profit organization dedicated to raising equine awareness to prevent abuse and raising funds to assist equine rescue, is organizing a fundraiser clinic April 11, 2003. Exclusive clinician for this fundraiser is former American Olympic team dressage rider, Lendon Gray.
The Leslie Stanton Equestrian Center in Malden Bridge, New York, will serve as host facility for the clinic. The center is located at 4186, Route 66 in Malden Bridge, NY, which is approximately half an hour west of the Berkshires, and half an hour east of Albany, NY.

The clinic will hold several semi-private lessons (2 riders in a class) conducted by Mrs. Gray. Auditors are welcome and encouraged. The Equine Fund will offer gourmet food, door prizes, and some free giveaways to the first auditors to arrive.

The clinic will benefit The Equine Fund, a non profit organization in Old Chatham, NY. The organization can be reached through Allison Marchese, Executive Director, at or by calling 518-766-0632 with any further question or to sign up.


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