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Need to relax and improve balance?

Try T’ai Chi for Horse People with Suzanne Sheppard

Many of us hope to reduce stress in 2003. One fun way to do this is to learn T’ai Chi! A wonderful way to improve balance, relax and develop increased body awareness!
January 24-26, 2003
Brattleboro, Vermont

Dynamic Balance: T’ai Chi for Horse People

This weekend seminar provides a convenient, affordable way to learn about T’ai Chi firsthand, in a supportive, fun environment. Designed especially for riders, we’ll learn stretches, relaxation exercises, Chi Kung, and Part 1 of the yang style long form. You’ll go home able to continue to reap the health benefits on your own, with solid knowledge and a workbook full of notes!

Hosted by Centered Riding Senior Instructor, Lucy Bump, at Southmowing Stables, where lodging is available.

Please email me at or call (845) 361-3375 for more information.

Best wishes for a wonderful 2003!

Suzanne Sheppard


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