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American Hunter Jumper Foundation, Inc. Emergency Relief Fund Assists Hidden Hill Farm After Tragic Fire

January 7, 2004--WEST BOYLSTON, Massachusetts -- The American Hunter Jumper Foundation (AHJF) recently came to the aid of Chip Leonard and Morgan Taylor, well-known hunter/jumper professionals in Alpharetta, GA. Leonard and Taylor lost their stable, all its contents, and eight horses in a fire.

Months after the horrific fire, Morgan Taylor still has questions about its cause. “Hidden Hill Farm is a family-run business. We all live just a few hundred yards from the barn and we were home in various parts of the house when it started.” It was close to 11:30 p.m. one August night when Morgan’s daughter went to look out the window as she thought she saw the red glow of brake lights. What she thought was brake lights turned out to be the 12 stall barn fully engulfed in flames. While arson has been ruled out by the fire investigators, no cause has ever been determined. The barn was only a few years old and all electrical work was done to code.


Although Morgan, who runs the business side of Hidden Hill, thought she had the proper coverage, the insurance company claims that the building itself was not covered as it was an exterior building used for business. “I relied on the insurance company to sell me the right insurance policy,” Morgan explains. Morgan believed the barn was covered in her homeowner’s policy and no one from the insurance company ever came to her property to see if this was the proper way to cover it. Because of the ongoing dispute with the insurance company, Morgan is not permitted to clean up the site. “It is just a constant reminder of this tragedy.”

“People have been unbelievably kind and supportive,” says Morgan “The horse community has sent us everything from tack to horses.”


Chip’s sister, Margee Koffler, suggested that they contact the AHJF and ask for assistance from the Emergency Relief Fund. “The AHJF was just a Godsend,” says Morgan. “Their help has meant the world to us.” Morgan explains that Hidden Hill has lost so much of its monthly revenue and that the Emergency Relief Fund donation has helped greatly with their monthly bills.

Since its establishment in 1995, the AHJF Emergency Relief Fund has become one of the most important and visible programs of the Foundation. Through this program the AHJF has assisted dozens of horse people in a wide variety of situations. The Fund relies on donations for the financial support it gives to individuals and families involved in the sport. The AHJF Board reviews emergency situations which are brought to their attention, and approves distributions according to the Fund's guidelines and the particular needs of the recipient.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation to the AHJF Emergency Relief Fund to help fellow horsemen like Morgan and Chip of Hidden Hill Farm. Call 508-835-8813 or e-mail

Diana De Rosa, Always Accessible & Press Link of America email:


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