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British Equestrian Federation invited to join National Coaching Certificate Plans

A new era of improved coaching support for equestrian riders, drivers and vaulters is emerging as the British Equestrian Federation has been invited to take part in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) National Coaching Certificate (NCC) plans.

The NCC is a sports-wide initiative that is currently being designed by sports coach UK in consultation with all sports, including equestrian. It aims to set agreed coaching criteria that every sport's coaching award schemes (including training and instructing) should meet. For equestrian sport, it could revolutionise the coaching industry in the UK by ensuring and raising common standards of coaching and by creating a clearer pathway for career opportunities for coaches from the school yard to the international arena.

The BEF's Consultant Director of Coaching, Colin Wilson, is currently facilitating a strategy for coaching with BEF's member bodies. This can now include new plans to incorporate the National Coaching Certificate for the Equestrian industry with full support of the Government and the national sporting agencies who will provide advice and resource material.

Colin commented: "Over the past few months the BEF has been working more and more on coaching with its member bodies and we have all been evolving our ideas together. Plans for the National Coaching Certificate have been met with enthusiasm and commitment by all who have been involved. To be selected and supported by the Government as one of the first 22 sports in this initiative provides equestrian sport with a unique opportunity to build a better future for its coaching, teaching and instructing."

BEF Chief Executive, Andrew Finding welcomed the step towards the NCC saying "The new certificate will recognise the coaching profession as it should be. Coaches are a vital part of the long term development of riders, drivers and vaulters; the BEF welcomes this development and looks forward to working with sports coach UK and the DCMS on this exciting initiative."


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