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Andrina Calder Claims Season Opener at Canterbury Horse Trials

Newberry, Florida – Young Canadian equestrian athlete Andrina Calder, 15, of Toronto, ON, got the new year off to a strong start by winning the Preliminary Young Rider division at the Canterbury Horse Trials in Newberry, FL.

The first event on the 2004 competition calendar for three day eventing, the Canterbury Horse Trials were held January 10 and 11, with riders competing in the dressage and show jumping phases on Saturday followed by Sunday’s demanding cross-country phase. Calder was off the lead by one point following the opening phase of dressage, but a penalty-free stadium jumping round later in the day moved her to the top of the standings.

“Andrina Calder and HerzPrinz, winners at Canterbury Horse Trials.”
Photo credit – Anna Calder

“It was quite cold, so he was a bit fresh for dressage,” said Calder of her horse, HerzPrinz, a12-year-old American Trakehner gelding. “Overall, I was happy with it. There were a few points I didn’t like, but it was our first test of the season. It was all about getting back into the routine of showing.”

Going into Sunday’s third and final phase of cross-country, Calder led the division that is open to riders aged 21 and under. Incurring only minor time penalties, Calder remained at the top to claim victory.

“I thought the cross-country rode well,” remarked Calder, who last competed at the Canterbury Horse Trials in 2002. “It was a great event to start the season, and it really helped me to get my confidence back after not showing HerzPrinz for five months.”

The Canterbury Horse Trials marked a triumphant return to the show ring for Calder and HerzPrinz. Following the pair’s individual and team victory in the CCIY/J* division of the North American Young Riders’ Championship last August, HerzPrinz enjoyed a well-deserved rest before returning to his regular training.

“I was so happy, I’ve missed it so much,” smiled Calder. “HerzPrinz felt great. He was so excited, he knew what was going on!”

Calder’s coach, 2003 Pan American Individual Gold Medallist Darren Chaicchia, also enjoyed a successful weekend at the Canterbury Horse Trials competing at the Intermediate level. Chiacchia won a division riding South Bound and took second place in another Intermediate division riding San Salvador. Chiacchia also enjoyed two more victories at the lower levels with his young horses.

In addition to coaching Calder to the top of the Young Rider Preliminary division, Chiacchia also saw students Kate Luce enjoy a fourth place finish riding Belltree Sampras while Lydia Holdsworth placed ninth on Hoopla. Michael Larson also competed in the Novice division with young mounts.

Calder’s win at Canterbury Horse Trials continues an impressive winning streak. In addition to their double victory at the 2003 North American Young Riders’ Championship, she and HerzPrinz enjoyed victories last season in the Young Rider Preliminary Division of the Over The Walls Horse Trials in Hardwick, MA, in August, and the CCIY* division of the Virginia Horse Trials in Lexington, VA, in May. In April, she claimed the Young Rider Open Preliminary division at the Beaulieu North American Classic with an incredibly low score of 29.9 penalty points while her first victory of 2003 came in March when she topped the Young Rider Open Preliminary division at the Rocking Horse Spring Horse Trials in Altoona, FL.

Calder trains full-time with Chiacchia at his Independence Farm with bases in Ocala, FL, and Buffalo, NY. For further information on Andrina Calder, please visit



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