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horse The Memo Gracida Custom Polo Boot is Now Available

Brooklyn, New York—Now available, the first polo boot of its kind—the Memo Gracida Boot by Der Dau. Each custom boot is made by hand in the United States specifically for the needs of polo players. Hall of Fame player Memo Gracida and Der Dau worked together to design the boot that polo players around the world have been waiting for.

“The Memo Gracida Boot definitely will give players the edge in competition,” said Joseph Der, CEO of Der Dau. “All of the features were designed to Memo’s specifications from his years of experience on the field and the result is a cutting edge boot with the elegance and style that our customers have come to expect.” Mr. Der worked extensively with Mr. Gracida to create a unique boot that is not only a work of art, but is technologically superior to other polo boots on the market.

The imported French London-Tan leather offers riders the ultimate in stability without sacrificing comfort or style. “The Memo Gracida Boot is the lightest boot on the market, but is crafted to last for years,” said Mr. Der. The extremely stiff leg is balanced with a flexible foot and fashioned so that the heel meets the stirrup correctly. The double leather soles coupled with leather insoles offer durability while the thin lightweight rubber non-slip pad on top of the soles offers just the right grip at the front of the foot. The elegant Spanish Top provides the needed protection to the outside of the leg while reducing pinching on the inside of the leg.

The Memo Gracida Boot is the latest in a long line of quality handcrafted boots and shoes from Der Dau. For more than half a century, Der Dau has provided boots to those with discriminating taste in footwear. Among Der Dau’s customers are United States Equestrian Team members, New York State Troopers, and New York CEO’s as well as celebrities such as Paul Newman and Tony Curtis. “Once you have worn a pair of custom boots you will never want anything else,” says Joseph. “We have clients that have been customers for more than 25 years.”

The Memo Gracida Boot is made in the USA like all Der Dau custom boots and is handcrafted to each individual. For more information or to schedule your personalized fitting call 1-718-336-4513. Visit for information on all of the fine Der Dau products.


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