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Royal Donation Helps With Horse Charity's Vet's Bills

£3,500 will cover veterinary costs for six months 'barring major problems'
A generous donation from a member of the exiled Yugoslavian royal family will enable a racehorse charity to meet its veterinary bills for six months.

Crown Princess Katarina, daughter of the late Prince Tomislav of Yugoslavia, presented a cheque for £3,500 to Graham Oldfield, chief executive of Moorcroft Racehorse Welfare Centre which is based in West Sussex.

Moorcroft, which takes in ex-racehorses to assess and re-school with the ultimate aim of re-homing them, has annual running costs of over £220,000 year and relies almost exclusively on fundraising events and private donations.

Katarina, who has a home in West Sussex, had been given the money in return for opening an exclusive club and casino in Southampton. She is an enthusiastic fundraiser for charity although this is her first donation to Moorcroft.

Graham Oldfield is delighted to be on the receiving end of such generosity.

"Many horses that are sent to us suffer from limb problems which have to be scanned at a cost of £70 per leg - or £130 per leg if they have to be x-rayed," he said. "We also have to use an equine physiotherapist to deal with the back problems from which racehorses are prone to suffer. This costs an average of £100 to check out four horses.

"Barring major problems requiring operations this donation will cover the veterinary costs of the Centre for approximately six months - including the costs of regular visits from our vet and treatment given."

Katarina, who plans to maintain her links with Moorcroft by doing some volunteer work at the Centre, said she was delighted to be able to help.

"I've been to Moorcroft several times since my first visit last autumn and I've been very impressed with the dedication and expertise shown by Graham and his yard manager Sue Collins," she said. "They work like Trojans - and, of course, when you are looking after animals, there are no days off.

"I have been in the fortunate position of being able to give Moorcroft a substantial sum of money but I urge everyone who can spare a pound or two to think about making a donation to this very worthy cause. When running costs are so high it really is a case of 'every little helps'."

Anyone interested in helping or finding out more about Moorcroft can call on 01403 791916, email or check out the website,


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