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New Agents For Sue Carson Saddles

sue carson saddles, manufacturers of an exclusive collections of bespoke saddles and top quality range of bridlework and accessories based at Brassington, Derbyshire, has announced the appointment of two Midlands-based qualified fitters and agents to join the nationwide team.

Both are former customers who say they were so impressed by the product, that they jumped at the chance to join this innovative company.

Stephanie Gaunt, 28, who is based at her own yard in Yoxall, Staffs, joins the company this month from Matchmakers International, where she was Area Sales Manager, having previously worked as a sales executive with Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd for four years..

Stephanie, a former team member of the Atherstone branch of the Pony Club, has enjoyed success in show jumping, eventing and dressage, currently having three horses competing in affiliated dressage from novice to advanced medium.

"It's exciting to be joining a growing saddlery company, which prides itself on excellent customer service and ensures product satisfaction," says Steph, who is also training as an equine shiatsu practitioner and British Dressage judge.
"Last year my top dressage horse was having real problems in training and I tried one of Sue's saddles which immediately made a big difference - the results speak for themselves
"Having witnessed improvement in performance first hand, my aim is to help more riders understand the benefits of our saddles, which are specifically designed for all individuals and disciplines, whatever shape, size or level of experience."

Popular local freelance instructor Denise O'Reilly, 40, from Lichfield, Staffs, has recently given up her career as a theatre nurse to join the sue carson saddles team.

Denise, a former committee member of Stretton riding club, currently owns two horses, which she is hoping to train up to advanced level.

"Last year my seven-year-old Irish Thoroughbred was a problem horse and I'd tried everything to help him," says Denise, a Mary Wanless devotee and Ride With Your Mind Level II Mastery accredited coach.
"Then I tried a sue carson saddle and the difference was phenomenal. After two years of trying to find a solution, my horse could produce medium trot and stopped being so tense in his back - I also found I could sit to his trot for the first time."

Denise says she is aiming to launch the sue carson saddles range nationwide and will be exhibiting with her trade stand at major competition venues in the Midlands area, as well as selected dates on the Mary Wanless tour which begins in the spring.

Made by English craftsmen in Walsall and designed by FEI horse trials and List 2 dressage judge and trainer Sue Carson, these individually crafted saddles, have been extensively tested by leading riders, including Vere and Clea Phillipps and Malcolm Pyrah.

This unique collection, all fitted with the Flair system and aimed at providing maximum comfort and performance, offers five different seats to suit every rider's size and posture, as well as a variety of knee blocks.

The range includes dressage, jumping, showing, close contact and GP saddles and is priced from £1,200

"I have trained dressage event and show riders for many years and constantly encountered the problem of saddles which simply do not fit the horse or rider," explains Sue, who insists that all her fitters are themselves riders and trainers.

"A good saddle is a vital factor in maximising comfort and enhancing performance of horse and rider partnerships."

For more information contact sue carson saddles (tel: 01629 540343).


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