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American Horse Council To Hold Equine ID Task Force Meeting At U.S. Equestrian Annual Meeting

The American Horse Council will hold a meeting of the Equine ID Task Force during the U.S. Equestrian Annual Meeting being held at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, CA, January 14 - 18.

The Task Force will be discussing the concept and implications of a national ID program for equines as a continuation of the National Institute of Animal Agriculture's Equine ID Symposium in Chicago. Representatives of the American Horse Council will present an overview to the general public during the Owners and Breeders Forum Saturday, Jan. 15, from 10 AM-12:00 PM.

For more information visit the U.S. Equestrian website at or contact Krista Greathouse, Manager, Travel and Events, at 859-225-6961 or via email at


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