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Peter Wylde Named USEF International High Performance Athlete of the Month for December

Gladstone, NJ—January 7, 2003— Peter Wylde of Maastricht, The Netherlands was named United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) International High Performance Athlete of the Month for December after he was named Leading Rider at CSI-W Geneva in early December. The award is given based on consistent superior performances throughout the show.

Wylde, a double Silver Medalist at the 1999 Pan American Games and individual Bronze Medalist at the 2002 World Equestrian Games (WEG), won two classes on Felix des Noues, had third and fifth place finishes on Melvin, a fourth on Quo Vadis and placed third on Fein Cera (Holsteiner, Landadel-Cera, owned by Turnabout Farm Inc.), his 2002 World Equestrian Games Bronze Medal mount, in the final event of the week, the Rolex Grand Prix World Cup Qualifier. Wylde and Fein Cera turned in one of only four double clear rides in the Rolex Grand Prix to place third behind Thomas Velin of Denmark and Otto Becker of Germany.

The vision of U.S. Equestrian is to provide leadership for equestrian sport in the United States of America, promoting the pursuit of excellence from the grass roots to the Olympic Games, based on a foundation of fair, safe competition and the welfare of its horses, and embracing this vision, to be the best national equestrian federation in the world.


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