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New relationship between horse and rider
GaWaNi Pony Bay at EQUITANA 2001

He also has an enormous fan following in Germany and in Europe. For many people the half Indian, GaWaNi Pony Boy, who set his mind on developing a very special relationship between man and horse, became a new idol in the horse whispering scene, at the latest after the great success of his book ”Horse, Follow Closely”. Now GaWaNi Pony Boy is touring through Germany again and will stop off at the EQUITANA 2001 in Essen from 3rd to 11th March.

GaWaNi Pony Boy, who has Cherokee blood coursing through his veins and prefers to be just called Pony, not only grew up with horses but from his earliest years he was given a distinct consciousness of his Native American roots and ancestors’ culture. After graduating from college, the young man from North Carolina devoted his attention to Native American traditions. For three years he travelled through the states with a Native American drummers’ group. From the oldest of the different tribes, Pony learned a better understanding of traditional knowledge and principles of belief. He put methods, ideas and techniques together and combined them with his own experience and used this as the basis for developing his relationship training with horses.

Pony’s Native American Horsemanship is at one with nature in the tradition of the Native American riding peoples and the Native American philosophy of oneness with nature. The aim of this method developed by Pony, the consequence of a holistic ideology, is to build up a trusting and harmonious relationship between man and horse. ”Horses always say what they think”, says Pony, ”but a lot of riders must first learn to understand the pony’s language and way of thinking.” And that is what the Cherokee descendant wants to achieve with his Native American Horsemanship.

Kosmos publishers will bring out the two Native American Horsemanship videos at EQUITANA. In these, GAWaNi Pony Boy will show, step by step in 14 lessons, how every rider can develop a new, intensive relationship with his horse.

Further information on the appearances by GaWaNi Pony Boy are available from Kosmos Service, Kosmos Publishers, Tel.: 0711-21 91-270, E-mail

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