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horse New Acting Chief Executive for Horse Welfare Charity

Monday 5th February sees a new Acting Chief Executive at the International League for the Protection of Horses (ILPH).

Jonny McIrvine, Charity Hon.Treasurer and Trustee for the last three years, will be taking over the reins at the ILPH following the retirement of Dr. Douglas Munro.

Mr. McIrvine, who will resign from the Council of Trustees and his position as Hon. Treasurer, will be the League’s Acting Chief Executive on a part time basis.

Says Jonny, “We have a solid Executive team in place so I am looking forward to continuing success in our expansion of work abroad, together with the broadening of our UK base with the official opening this summer of our latest and sixth Recovery and Rehabilitation Centre, Penny Farm, near Blackpool.

“With regard to the transportation of slaughter horses, we have made significant progress towards improvements in the EU Directive and our work continues.

“The Trustees of the ILPH have great faith in the Executive and staff, so my role will be that of caretaker while the leadership of the Charity into the future is considered. I am looking forward immensely to the challenge; the ILPH is pre-eminent in the field of equine welfare – we really can make a difference”.

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