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Don Blazer *NEWS FLASH* February 2002

A Horse of Course

** Breeding Season
** Learn Horse Training On Line!
** Questions and Tips
** Upcoming Clinics in Arizona
** Check Out Our Expanded Book Catalog

Well, it's a new year, so it must be a new breeding season.

If it's a new breeding season, then I've got to plead again, "Please, don't breed your mare, unless.....

1. She's worth breeding. (Of course you think she's worth breeding, but she's not.)

Most mares are not worth breeding because they can't produce a foal which will have dollar value. And if you think I am whistling Dixie in the dark, just open your eyes and look around. Most weanlings and yearlings at sales sell for less than the breeding fee, or the cost of keeping a mare for a year. They are money losers.
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Training Performance Horses is a complete distance learning course, starting before the first saddle through the flying change of leads.

Learn lunge line techniques, how to prepare for and make the first ride. Get every weight shift, leg and rein cue for walking, jogging, loping, stopping, backing, leg yields, two-tracking, side passing, half passing, pivots, rollbacks, spins and flying changes. View and/or download 140 pages of text with demonstration photos.

Students are now enrolled! From chatroom chatter it appears they are having a great time, learning a lot, and preparing for bright horsemanship careers.

If you are a horse trainer, having a certificate of recognition from a college can put you out in front when it comes to your competition. People seeking trainers choose trainers educational credentials first!
Click here for more information and to view a SAMPLE LESSON and TEST!

MY HORSE FOUNDERED THREE MONTHS AGO. He just lays around and doesn't walk very far. I had a vet look at him and he said just wait and keep his feet trimmed. Any thing else I can do?
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HAVE YOUR HORSE MENTALLY READY for a more productive training session. If your horse is fresh and frisky they will not be ready to learn.
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I WOULD LIKE TO BREED MY MARE. This is the first time I've breed anything. I had her cultured/sensitivity done but could you tell me if AI is the better way to go? What are the facts about it or how can I find out about the facts and dangers?
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OFTEN HORSES DON'T DRINK ENOUGH WATER during cold weather. Because water can get very cold, they won't drink their "fill."
You can ease this situation by offering lukewarm water before and after exercise. Remember, always water horses SLOWLY.....five or six swallows, wait or walk a hot horse and repeat. A very thirsty horse tends to gulp more air when anxiously drinking, and that can lead to a tummy ache!
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SOMETIMES THERE ARE THINGS YOU CAN DO to stop a horse's annoying behavior, and sometimes you just have to give into it.
Scattering feed when eating, for example, is one of those behaviors which can be eliminated in several ways.
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March 5 - April 23, 2002 (8 Evenings) Phoenix, Arizona

This is a hands-on training course offered by the non-credit division of Scottsdale Community College, Equine Sciences Department.

Bring your own horse to class! The course is based on the book, Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship, and has been highly acclaimed by previous students.

This eight-week course will focus on the mental aspects of horse training, and will detail each performance exercise both western and English horses must master. This is your chance to power up your riding and rev-up your training skills.

The course is limited to 15 horse/rider (unique for college courses, students bring their own horse) and 10 non-mounted students. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

April 10, 17, 24, 27 (Spring of 2002) Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona

This new class covers the history of horse racing, famous race horses, the basics of training a race horse, race horse equipment, how to become a race horse trainer, handicapping the races, betting and claiming race horses to earn a profit, how to become a race horse owner, and buying at race horse sales.

There will also be a field trip to Turf Paradise to put our skills to the test. On Saturday, 27th of April we will all meet at Turf Paradise to tour the backside and go to the races.
Click here to read more

** Check Out Our Expanded Book Catalog **
Feeding and Nutrition, The Making Of A Champion
No Foot, No Horse
Horses Behavin' Badly
Influencing Horse Behavior
Free Lounging with Body English
The Stallion: A Breeding Guide for Owners and Handlers
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Don Blazer
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And Read
"A Horse, Of Course"
Monthly Column
by Don Blazer

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