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British Breeders Are Ready For Change

The BEF "British Breeding" open meeting enjoyed an excellent turn out of representatives from all corners of the British breeding industry. In a lively debate, which followed presentations by the Chairmen of the seven Breeding Development Programme (BDP) working groups, delegates welcomed the chance to engage in this ground breaking programme and were eager to comment.

Graham Suggett emphasised the BEF's intention to facilitate and encourage an infrastructure within which all breeders could flourish, and said; "Participation in the initiatives is entirely voluntary, but my hope is that many will choose to join the planned schemes. Our plan seeks to help British-bred horses better meet the demands of the European sport-horse market, promote their successes, increase confidence of buyers in our product, and see more of our international riders competing on home grown horses."

"There was a sense of unity at the meeting as breeders realised they were all facing the same problems. Together we can challenge this situation where British horses are losing the battle with their more fashionable European counterparts, which fetch higher prices on the open market, are proving more popular at high performance sales and causing British breeders to lose money."

Richard Meade, Chairman of the BDPMC and BEF Board Director with special responsibility for breeding, paid tribute to the hard work and expertise of the volunteers who make up the BDPMC, without whom this work would not be possible.

Graham Suggett will now continue to present the BEF's initiatives and gather opinion, comment and advice at over 100 planned meetings with Breed Societies, Stud Books, individual breeders and performance disciplines over the coming weeks.


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