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"Pariani" Saddlery

"Pariani" Saddlery established on 2nd November 1903 by Mr. Adolfo Pariani. At beginning Pariani imported saddles from England, but after some years Mr. Adolfo decided to manufacture saddles and accessories directly following directions of the best Italian riders. In that moment "Pinerolo" was the best Jumping school in the world and in Captain Caprilli the best "interpreter" of a new way to jump: adapted after by about all riders.

In 1928 the son Alberto entered in the farm and gave the most impulse to the exportation, considering italian style saddles were very requested and "Pariani" made a high quality. Quality and innovation were the winner "cards" of "Pariani". The collaboration with the best italian riders from Caprilli through D'Inzeo, Mancinelli and others, helped to the success of "Pariani" saddles, always in the van to suggest new models and new raw materials.

In 1930 "Pariani" exported his saddles in many countries, USA particularly. Many of the most important riders and many important persons (General Patton in 1934 - Kennedy - Reagan - Shah of Persia - Costantin of Greece - Elisabeth Queen - Edinburg Prince and many other) rode and are riding on "Pariani" saddles.

Mr. Alberto Pariani died in 1956 and from that date the nephew Aurelio Mutinelli and his sons Caterina and Carlo (from 20 years) are making all the possible so that "Pariani" can be considered a reliable firm making high quality saddles and accessories.


Founded in 1903, Pariani produces from their workshops in Milan handcrafted saddles and accessories for horse-riding.
Only few years from its opening and following the suggestion of Federico Caprilli, an Italian Captain from the Military Riding School of Pinerolo, Pariani is the first saddlery in the world to make a spring tree and to change the saddle's attitude. (1982 - Saddlery and Horse Equipment - Jennifer Baker) Caprilli, adopting a forward, crouching position and placing his weight forward, thus freeing the horse's loins and hindquarters, unlike his contemporaries who sat back and behind the movement. The saddle developed by Pariani places the rider in the centre of the saddle; the knee or thigh rolls support the thigh above the knee. Stirrup-bars are recessed and placed under the tree instead of on top as in the old hunting saddles, and are positioned further forward than of old, thus enabling the stirrups leathers to hang further forward and the rider's leg consequently to be placed in such a position that it can be used to maximum effect, rather than being stuck out in front. This saddle, therefore, contributes to the rider having a deep seat, and by positioning him as closely to the horse as possible, and fixing the leg, gives support, security and maximum control.

In 1950 Pariani introduces a new revolutionary saddle, the "Olympic"; the peculiarity of this saddle is to not have the flaps. The legs are placed directly on the panels and straps are longer in order to have the maximum contact with the horse.

In 1980, in cooperation with the never forgot champion, born the "Mancinelli"; a new saddle which following the new riding style has seat and flaps padded, short and thick knee rolls for the best comfort for horse and rider.

In 1998 Pariani, in cooperation with Guido Dominici (untimely died on 21.07.99) launch "Future", which combined the traditional spring tree with seat and panels cushioned with PROLITE®, a blend of visco-elastic-gel polymer and latex rubber, which has the impact and pressure absorption properties of traditional gels but it is up to 80% lighter.

From Caprilli to today, in collaboration with some of the best riders like Piero and Raimondo D'Inzeo, Graziano Mancinelli, Guido Dominici and Jerry Smit, Pariani continues to produce new models satisfying the ever changing needs of the modern rider.
Still today Pariani, using the finest leather available and employing only skilled craftsmen, produce by hand all saddles and accessories, paying particular attention, to the smallest detail.
In over 90 years, Pariani saddles' exceeded many borders and have satisfied thousands lovers of riding sports, and it is always a pleasure to remember the Kennedy Family, Ronald Reagan, the Regal English Family, Costantino of Greece, the Shah of Persia, Yul Brinner and all the others which for obviously reason of space we cannot list.


TREE: Completely hand made by an our expert saddlers, it has a double wood layer crossed and reinforced with a tempered steel's gullet plate, while the two strips are made with a special alloy of aluminium so as to be very flexible and resistant in the meantime.
Safety stirrups bar are made by HS SPRENGER and are used to complete this extra-quality spring tree, which whole weight is only ±2 lbs (30 oz.).
Extremely flexible, this tree diverts the rider's weight from horse's back while riding or jumping as it share out the knocks on the whole tree's surface and not only on one or two points, resulting in greater comfort for horse and rider.
The twist has been extremely narrowed to permit the greatest close contact with the horse and the best leg comfort.
Three different withers' sizes are available (20 - very narrowed, for thoroughbred; 21 - normal and 22 large), but it is also possible to customize it if the horse has a very special withers, only moulding a wire on it. Making it out on a paper sheet and send it by fax to us we can make the tree on the withers' size without any additional charge.
On square cantle, three different depth of seat are available (5.5 - flat; 6.5 - normal and 7 - deep) while are only two on round cantle: 7.5 - normal and 9 - deep (specially for dressage), everything without any additional charge.
The mostly used withers' sizes are 21 and 22 while the seat's depth (on square cantle) is 6.5.
LEATHER AND CALFSKIN: We use only the best full grain leather with a 32 tanning process steps; that's guarantee the best long-lasting and quality.
Calfskin has been expressly tanned to allow the best grip and comfort.
SEAT: Padded with PROLITE® and felt to guarantee the best comfort. PROLITE® is a blend of visco elastic gel and latex rubber and has the impact and pressure absorption properties of traditional gels but it is up to 80% lighter.
Skirts are fully hand stitched to the leather's seat, that is fully hand-hammered to the tree by over than 150 nails.
KNEE ROLLS AND BLOCKS: Knee blocks and rolls are also available in different sizes, length and thickness; everything without any additional charge.
PANELS: Two different styles are available: the traditional wool-flocked one and the ultimate, cushioned with felt and PROLITE® which is also waterproof and temperature resistant. This helps to maintain the panels always dry and soft. This kind of panels have been also studied to fit perfectly the horse's back, without any need of additional pads to balance the saddle.
SIZES: Stock sizes are 16" - 16½" - 17" - 17½" - 18" but it is also possible to customize the saddle without any additional charge; knowing the rider's height and weight we can make the seat for his weight and the flaps for his legs' length. On stock sizes you can choice also between several flaps sizes too.
The exceptionally bond gave to the tree and the extra comfortable seat and knee pads are really unique in the saddlery's history.
You cannot compare a PARIANI with any other saddle, just because it is completely and really hand-made. Only the stitching on flaps and skirts are made by sewing machine; all others are fully hand made to give you an incredible durability. We haven't any assembly line; each saddler start and finish the saddle to guarantee the best quality, and this is also the only way to have a custom-made saddle.

Every PARIANI saddle needs over than 24 work-hours to be called PARIANI, and this is the least we must do to be at your side for most of your riding-life.


The changeable lining have been studied to give to the customer 2 boots in one. In this way it is possible to clean dry the sheepskin to solve the problem of dusty or use the neoprene when the weather is inclement. It is also possible to have a special neoprene lining with lead inside; when you're training your horse this can help its movements while jumping.
The leather fastening have a plastic insert glued and stitched to prevent the opening and to save holes to became wide.


All our bridles are fully hand-made using only the best English full grained leather. Cheeks of bridles w/brass fittings can have buckles, hook-studs or snaps. Bridles are usually sold w/rubber reins, but we can also supply them with plain leather, web or laced reins.



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