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horse Programme For Borders Festival Of The Horse 2003
sponsored by Millers Town & Country

The programme for this year's Borders Festival of the Horse was launched yesterday at Newark Castle near Selkirk where 'Mary, Queen of Scots' (in the person of local sidesaddle rider Vairi Wilson) was presented with a copy of the festival programme by representatives of festival organisers, the British Horse Society, and sponsors Millers Town & Country.

The festival, which is also supported with funding from the Scottish Enterprise Borders Events Support Scheme, celebrates and showcases everything that makes the Scottish Borders region Scotland's Horse Country. No less than 47 events will take place over the nine days between Saturday 17 and Sunday 25 May.

These include major established events such as the Floors Castle International Horse Trials (17 & 18 May), one-off opportunities to have-a-go at activities such as carriage driving (17 May) and also the chance for riders to try new sports such as 'hunting the clean boot' with the Berwickshire Blood Hounds (23 May)!

The festival also includes a special daily programme of guided rides (19 - 25 May) giving riders a chance to enjoy the varied and beautiful riding country of the Borders region. A number of the routes have been chosen to visit sites associated with local history and culture - including a Mary, Queen of Scots ride to Fulton Castle on Monday 19 May following part of the route she rode from Jedburgh to Hermitage Castle to visit the wounded Earl of Bothwell in 1566.

Vairi Wilson, dressed as Mary Queen of Scots riding MacDuff at Newark Castle near Selkirk during yesterday's launch.

Chairperson of the Borders committee of the British Horse Society, Virginia Scott-Watson said, "The first Borders Festival of the Horse last year was such a success that we are confident that this year's will be even better.

"Once again, there is plenty to see and do - with or without a horse - and the festival will be an exciting opportunity for both riders and non-riders to discover more about the world of horses and horse riding in the Borders, in all its diversity."

Jane Barr, Retail Manager at Millers Town & Country explained why Millers were delighted to be sponsoring this year's festival: "Millers established their first 'R H Millers' store in Peebles in 1978 and since then we've been supplying goods and clothing to the equestrian community in the Borders and southern Scotland for 25 years. We're delighted to celebrate our anniversary by supporting this celebration of everything that makes the Borders region Scotland's Horse Country."

Programme leaflets will be available from Tourist Information Centres and local equestrian outlets shortly and copies can also be requested by ringing 01835 863020 or emailing: Full details of the festival will also be available on line at:


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