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horse BHS British Riding Clubs
Equest Horse Welfare Advisers' Scheme

Fort Dodge Animal Health, manufacturer of market leading horse wormer EQUEST, has announced the continuation of its support for the British Horse Society Riding Clubs' Horse Welfare Advisers' Scheme for 2003. This sponsorship will allow BRC to provide further training to members, with the aim to provide a Horse Welfare Adviser in every affiliated Riding Club by the end of 2005.

Horse Welfare Advisers offer support to members of their clubs and advice on latest practices and thinking. They are intended to be a first port of call, not by duplicating the valuable work of the established BHS Welfare Officers but providing grass roots support. The BRC Training Committee feels that this scheme is extremely important, as the infrastructure of BRC means there is an opportunity to educate all 36,000 members in the welfare of the horse.

Helen Barnes, Equine Business Unit Manager of Fort Dodge Animal Health explains, "We are pleased to be once again sponsoring the Horse Welfare Advisers' Scheme. The training provided by this scheme, we recognise, is an effective way to help educate horse owners and riders alike on equine healthcare matters. The commitment and enthusiasm of the Horse Welfare Advisers is to be commended; and as such we are only too happy to provide the support to enable this scheme to continue and grow."

To become a Horse Welfare Adviser, applicants must hold the BRC Horse Welfare 2 or Phase 2 Certificate and be prepared to attend the relevant training sessions and annual conference held in October each year.


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