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BSJA Recognise Silver Elite Stallions

The British Show Jumping Association have introduced a new stallion category - The Elite Silver Stallions - and the following list of stallions have been accredited as Silver Elite BSJA Stallions based on their Grade A/JA performance winnings of over £10,000. The list includes the only Silver Elite Pony Stallion - Mr A Lithgow's Little Bobby. These stallions will be entitled to wear the Silver Elite Stallion discs.

Arko III Mr J Hales/Miss L Hales
Audacity II Miss V Peskin
Cobretti Mrs L Van Heyningen
Jalisco II Mr M Dawson
Kenzo Mrs D Adams
Libra K Mr R Lickley
Lord Z Mrs C Whitaker/Dr P Bauer
Lucky Sky Mrs L Smith/Mr P Rust
Ludwig H Miss S Cordiner
Malacoff Miss V Gosling
Millbrook Mr D Meeds
The Aviator II Miss B Blakeman
Tornedo Mr M Whitaker/F C Stallions
What a Business Mr H Lee

Little Bobby Mr A Lithgow

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