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horse Irish Participation In International Equestrian Events

CSI-W BORDEAUX FRANCE 7-9 FEBRUARY 2003 - Peter Charles with Carnavelley, Mulligan and Orange Juice. Tel +33 5 56 11 99 00, fax +33
5 56 11 99 99, email

CSI-W VIGO SPAIN 14-16 FEBRUARY 2003 - Peter Charles with Carnavelley and Mulligan, Billy Twomey with Luidam and Saffier, Robert Splaine with Coolcorron Cool Diamond and Springfield Ohio and Trevor Coyle with Fleur and Portofino. Tel +34 986 288 142, fax +34 986 288 495, email, website

CSI*** NEUMUNSTER GERMANY 13-16 FEBRUARY 2003 - Jessica Kurten with Preishammer, GK Helena, GK Illona and Laurus. Tel +49 4321 900 747,
fax +49 4321 900 749, email

SUNSHINE TOUR - SPAIN FEBRUARY/MARCH 2003 -Robert Splaine with Coolcorron Cool Diamond and Coolcorron Willow. Fax +34 956 45 51 50,


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