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Equine Intelligence
Supporting the BHS with its Approved Livery Yard Scheme

To keep control of the ever escalating cost of insurance or perhaps obtain insurance at all, equine businesses must sustain an increasingly professional approach, making good stable administration and risk assessment a daily process. Equine Intelligence provides an easy-to-follow programme of administration, enabling you to run a more professional and financially rewarding business.

As insurance fees have risen steeply following 11th Sept 2001 and claims increased due to no-win-no-fee contracts, the insurance industry is demanding greater evidence of good practice before offering public liability covers. Million pound claims within the equestrian industry are not uncommon and insurers are becoming increasingly uneasy about renewing contracts and taking on new clients. Barry Fehler of South Essex Insurance Brokers (SEIB) has described the situation as a "serious closing down of this market".

The BHS is advising businesses to look towards safety and anticipate potential claims by implementing risk assessment and administration procedures. Their Approved Livery Yard Scheme requires the keeping of written livery contracts, land management schedules, and all aspects of health, safety and medical administration. Chris Doran, administrative manager of Riding Schools/Approvals at the British Horse Society states, "I cannot advise too strongly on the need for attention to detail."


We at Equine Intelligence have designed our products around the BHS Approved Livery Yard Scheme to produce a comprehensive administration programme. Our products enable you to implement the required changes with a minimum of fuss, while establishing a valuable record of incidents to protect your position in the event of an insurance claim. We believe that streamlining administration facilitates reduces business costs and improves management efficiencies. Our products include the following and have been seen by the BHS and SEIB .

" A proper record of animal requirements to reduce staff errors and therefore claims on individual horse policies.
" A professional management structure and proper health and safety notices to discourage opportunist claimants.
" A good risk assessment programme to protect yard liability insurance.

Currently available from our website / telephone or through the BHS bookshop:
" registration form (contract between owner and yard) " notice board
" yard information wall chart (horse medical details, etc) " health and safety notices
" stable door chart (individual horse/owner requirements) " stable labels (for tack, rugs etc) " dry wipe & permanent pens

New products for 2003
" risk assessment forms (check list for yard managers regarding their premises and equipment)
" clients and visitors sign in form
" feed chart

Call for a brochure or visite our website via our contact details above.
Risk assessment and other soon-to-be-required products are currently being researched utilising the BHS Approved Livery Yard Scheme.
Watch for details.


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