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Stud Farm Is A Galloping Success Overseas

A Northumberland stud farm has won new international trade contracts worth up to £15, 000 as a result of participating in the 'Your passport to export success'* programme provided by Trade Partners UK - the government body dedicated to providing UK companies with global expertise on international trade and investment.

Otterburn-based Girsonfield Stud, launched just four years ago, signed up to the trade programme in March last year in a bid to export its services to Greece. With help from Trade Partners UK, the company attended a series of meetings with broodmare owners in Greece and collaborated with stud farm owners who now send heir 'retired' racehorses to Girsonfield. The company also produced Greek flyers and advertised their services in a new Greek horse racing magazine.

Susan Corbett, owner of Girsonfield Stud explained, "We have secured a number of new clients as a result of our visit to Greece. Being a small company, it would have been virtually impossible for us to explore such export opportunities alone. Trade Partners UK provided us with much needed funding and also gave us the confidence to approach a new market."

River Falls in his racing days before he took up his duties as a stallion at Girsonfield Stud.

"Before we signed up with Trade Partners UK, work levels went in peaks and troughs according to the season, now our work - and income - have stabilised and the farm will be able to employ staff on a more permanent basis. We are now planning to return to Greece in February," added Ms Corbett.

Girsonfield Stud already has 11 Greek-owned horses, three of them broodmares. With facilities being limited in Greece, where horses have few career opportunities after their racing life is over, the company hopes to attract more horses to become broodmares or to be re-schooled to become riding club/event horses.

Trade Partners UK is the government organisation that provides support services for UK companies trading overseas. It brings together the work of teams in 200 British embassies overseas and government departments across Whitehall. In England, Trade Partners UK services are delivered through the 45 Business Links and other partners including Regional Development Agencies and Chambers of Commerce, coordinated by nine regional International Trade Directors. The devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own arrangements for local delivery of services. For more information visit the web site

*'your passport to export success': 'Trade Partners UK - your passport to export success' is a new nationally available toolkit of advice and support aimed at helping new and inexperienced exporters take their first steps into international trade.


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