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horse International Spotted Horse Registry News

On January 27, 2003, the International Spotted Horse Registry Board of Officers lost a dear friend to cancer. Dawn Anderson was the ISHR's Florida Officer, a huge horselover, who also loved to help others get aquainted with horses. Dawn passed away shortly after she was diagnosed with brain cancer, she was only 26 and a mother of a 5 yr. old son. In her honor the registry will be aquiring a large plaque for the Yearend High Point Winners and it will be put up as a Memorial For Dawn Anderson - her parents will also be receiveing a smaller plaque with a picture of Dawn, her beautiful Sabino Palomino Stallion and her young son in honor of her Memory. She will be missed by everyone here at the registry.

On Sunday, June 1, 2003 the International Spotted Horse Registry will be hosting an Open Horse Show in Carthage, Missouri at the Civil War Arena. There will be over 100 different classes offered, all Halter Classes will be double judged and double pointed. Show classes will be conducted in 2 arenas and there will be classes for Tots, Youth, Adults, Special Needs & Working Horse classes.
ISHR is also asking for sponorships for this show. If you would like to be a sponsor the sponsorship fee is $20.00, and corporate sponsorships are $100.00. Each sponsor will be announced during the show classes, on the ISHR website and the newsletter. If a sponsor would like for a banner to be put up at the show arena, they can send it to the ISHR office.

Exhibitors may also request the Entry Form so that they may sign up for the classes they want to show in and get it in early. This form is also available at the registries website. If you would like more information, please contact the International Spotted Horse Registry by email at:, or visit the website at: or you may contact our office at: ISHR, P.O. Box 412, Anderson, MO. 64831-0412. The phone number is 417-475-MARE (6273) and in the U.S. you may call toll free at: 1-866-201-3098.


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