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Second Ring and Hall of Fame Class added for 2003 Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic

South Hamilton, MA-February 18, 2002-The Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic has announced exciting changes for its 2003 edition of what has become a tradition of top show jumping in New England. The 14th annual Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic, which will take place September 3-7 at the Myopia Schooling Fields, in South Hamilton, MA, will now run two rings for competition everyday except Grand Prix Sunday.

"What we're trying to do is make the days shorter and the show run smoother without compromising any classes for exhibitors," explained Jumper Classic Manager, Peggy Lynch. "We'll be evenly allotting the classes to both rings because even though our second ring will be excellent, everyone wants to get their chance in the big ring." On Sunday, the big ring will be the focus for the $50,000 Fidelity Investments AGA Grand Prix. "We want to devote everything on Sunday to the featured events of the show, most notably the Grand Prix itself," said Lynch.

Another exciting change for the 2003 Jumper Classic is the addition of a Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Class for juniors and amateurs. The Show Jumping Hall of Fame Series is held at select horse shows throughout the country and serves as a proving ground for riders who may aspire to someday represent the United States in international competition. At the end of the series, a championship is awarded for the East and West conference and the standings are used to determine the amateur/owner and junior jumper entries for the National Horse Show. "We're thrilled to now offer a Hall of Fame class," said Lynch. "A class of this high caliber fits perfectly with what we value at the Classic-top show jumping competition."

The prize list for the 2003 Fidelity Jumper Classic will be available in late March. To reserve a copy, please email the Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic at For more information on the Show Jumping Hall of Fame Series please visit or For more information on The Fidelity Jumper Classic please call (978) 283-7708, email, or visit


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