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horse Natural health for animals

If your pet is injured or unwell or you simply wish to boost your pets health naturally, visit the website which is 'dedicated to providing information on how we can naturally look after our pets in sickness and in health'., is a non-profit making website offering advice on where to seek complementary treatments for your pet. Many people now prefer to go the natural route , when appropriate and this site has all sorts of useful tips and advice; it also has some wonderful case studies, which you may find really inspiring. It also has advice on how to prevent your animal becoming ill!! They also have an A-Z of Common Pet Ailments which has some invaluable advice.

You'll also find directories of services and suppliers, book reviews, contributions from the team of vets, product reviews and, of course, updated reports on complementary treatments available today.

Beverley Morel, the co-founder of, has spent five years researching and testing complementary treatments after her dog became paralysed. She realised that, although complementary help is available, it's not that easy to find, so she decided to launch the site to help people enable their pets to enjoy a better quality of life.

This site's well worth a visit, whether you have a poorly pet or not - the stories and case studies in themselves are wonderful, and of course the site is committed to supporting worthwhile pet causes. The website address . They have also just introduced their exclusive range of natural products incorporating the amazing Neem Oil (proceeds of which will help to finance the site). For more details all 020 8295 5511


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