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HRH The Princess Royal becomes President of The Pony Club

HRH The Princess Royal has succeeded her father HRH The Duke of Edinburgh as President of The Pony Club.

In this capacity Her Royal Highness recently attended her first meeting of The Pony Club Council, held at the Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London. At the meeting Her Royal Highness was given short talks on The Pony Club and the issues it is currently facing by the Chairman, Lt. Col. Gordon Wesley (Retd.), Show Jumping Committee Chairman, Mrs. Judy Edwards and by the Chairman of the Mounted Games Committee, Mrs Slinger who is also Area Representative for Area 4. Her Royal Highness then met all the members of The Pony Club Council.

Her Royal Highness with from left to right the Life Vice-President of The Pony Club, Mr. Ernest McMillen
and the Chairman of The Pony Club Lt. Col. Gordon Wesley (Retd.)
Photograph credited to David Hartley.

The Council recorded its grateful thanks to His Royal Highness for his keen interest as their President for over five years and in particular for his foresight in presenting The Prince Philip Cup which has provided inspiration, enthusiasm and focus for generations of “ordinary children on ordinary ponies.”



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