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Clinics; Self Defense on the Trails

Event Clinic #2 March 8th and 9th Carnation, Wa USA

Instructor: Scot D Hansen

Course description: Learn to use your horse to protect yourself while riding on the trails. Taught by a former Mounted Police Instructor.

contact person Sandy Heisey 1-425-830-6260

Event Clinic #2: What Works With Horses and Why March 22nd and 23rd

Instructor: Scot D Hansen

Course Description: Emphasis on ground manners, riding, sensory training, horse socialization, and self-defense from horse back. Whether you ride for fun or competition these clinics will help you have a better understanding and relationship with your horse. Learn what works, why it works and how to apply it to your discipline

Contact Person; Sandy Heisey 1-425-830-6260


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