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2003 Sidelines Equestrian Triathlon Presented By Outback Steakhouse Set For March 10

WELLINGTON, FL (February 13, 2003) — The third annual Sidelines Equestrian Triathlon Presented By Outback Steakhouse will be presented on Monday, March 10, 2003, starting at noon, at the Outback Polo Club on Southfields Road in West Palm Beach, Florida. “It’s the perfect event for Sidelines to do because Sidelines covers dressage, show jumping, and polo. It’s a natural tie-in for us,” said Samantha Charles, publisher of Sidelines and organizer of the event. “My plan is to eventually run triathlons around the country.”

In previous years, the triathlon was held as a charity benefit. The $25 admission ticket helped fund equestrians stricken with terminal illness, and the admission charge included an Outback lunch. This year admission will be free to all equestrians and lunch will be provided at a nominal fee. Tim Gannon, a lifelong polo player and one of the three founding members of Outback Steakhouse and Carabas restaurant chains, has donated his private polo club for the event every year, and continues to be the presenting sponsor as well as the event’s lunch concessionaire.

The Sidelines Equestrian Triathlon features top riders in three disciplines who compete against each other in four teams of three riders. Previous participants have included such illustrious names as high-goal polo players Adolfo Cambiaso, Bautista Heguy, Adam Snow, Sugar Erskine, Rubin Gracida, Mike Azzaro, Sunny Hale; and grand prix show jumpers Todd Minikus, Lauren Hough, Chris Kappler, Peter Leone, Debbie Stephens, Chris Cauley, Neil Shapiro; as well as dressage riders Michelle Gibson, Susan Dutta, Marco Benal, Bent Jensen, Jan Brons, Marcia Kulak, and Patrick Burssens.

The competition includes a dressage test ridden by the polo players and jumpers; a Gambler’s Choice jump course ridden by the polo players and dressage riders; and wraps up with a polo match where each team plays two chukkers. The team that accumulates the highest number of total points from all three phases wins the Triathlon. The trophy presentation is fashioned after the Olympics and the teams win Gold, Silver, Bronze and Pewter medals. The ‘Best Horse’ in each discipline receives an award as well as the ‘Most Valuable Player’ for each discipline.

The first triathlon was held at Outback Polo as a benefit for an angel of polo, Joanna Monaco, on March 5, 2001. More than 2,000 people turned out to watch the riders and enjoy the barbecue. Last year the event was a benefit for another polo friend, Paul Rizzo, who was suffering from inoperable cancer. This year the event will not be a charity benefit, but instead a way for both Sidelines and Tim Gannon of Outback to give back to the equestrian community.


Main Entrance:

From Lake Worth Rd: West on Lake Worth Rd to the dead end — South Shore, turn right. At first right, South Fields Rd, turn right. Go around bend, one mile to Outback Polo Club, entrance on right.

From Forest Hill Blvd: West on Forest Hill Blvd to South Shore Blvd, turn left. Travel three miles (just past Palm Beach Polo Stadium) turn left on Pierson Rd. Travel 1/2 mile to South Fields Rd, turn right. Travel 1/4 mile to Outback Polo Club on left.

Back Entrance:

From Lake Worth Rd - Traveling west on Lake Worth Rd, turn right on 120th Ave just past the Polo Park High School. Travel 1/4 mile, turn in to first driveway on left.

From Pierson Rd - Traveling west on Pierson Rd, turn left at traffic circle onto 120th Ave. Turn in to third driveway on right.

Telephone For information, call 561 795-4850.


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