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Lauren Hough Named USET Athlete of the Month for January 2003

Gladstone, NJ—February 4, 2003— Sydney Olympian Lauren Hough of Wellington, FL, has been named the United States Equestrian Team (USET) Athlete of the Month for January after her victory in the $35,000 Farr Legacy/Western Hay Grand Prix of Palm Beach on January 26.
Hough piloted Windy City to top the field of 32 competitors in the CSI** event. One of only three riders to qualify for the jump-off, Hough jumped a fault-free jump-off round in a time of 37.84 seconds in the first Grand Prix of the 2003 Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) held at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club in Wellington, FL.

The United States Equestrian Team is a non-profit organization that selects, trains, equips and finances equestrians of the highest possible standard to represent our country in major international competition, including the Olympic Games and the World Championships. To accomplish this, the USET seeks out and nurtures the development of talented athletes - riders, drivers and horses - and provides the support and guidance they need to help them attain their fullest potential. For more information on the USET, please call (908) 234-1251, or visit USET ONLINE at


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