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Big Win forJudy Garofalo and Oliver III in the $50,000 Bayer/USET Wellington Cup CSI**

Wellington, FL – February 2, 2003 – At the Winter Equestrian Festival today the featured event, the $50,000 Bayer/USET Wellington Cup, saw a field of 35 horse and rider combinations attempt the 15 obstacle course set by Frank Rothenberger of Germany. Only 4 riders had clean first rounds and were in the jump-off. Oliver III and Judy Garofalo of Dover Plains, NY were first to go in the jump-off and put the pressure on with a clean round. Judy and Oliver III held their lead and won the class in a time of 40.21 seconds. Last week’s Grand Prix winner, Lauren Hough was second best with a time of 42.55 seconds and a clean jump-off round. This week Lauren was riding Clasiko, her Olympic mount (last week she rode Windy City to the win). In third place was Candice King riding Quintin. Oliver III, owned by Higher Ground Farm, is a Swedish Warmblood stallion.

High Junior Jumper Champion this week was Hendrix ridden by Danielle Goldstein. Two horses tied for Reserve Champion in the High Junior Jumpers – Laser with Michael Morrissey and White Russian with Evan Coluccio.

The Pony Jumper Style Award was won by Isabel Jolicoeur.

All results are posted daily at

Tickets to the Winter Equestrian Festival are available by phone at 793-JUMP or at the gate. Admission is free on Wednesdays. Children 12 & under are free all days. Senior admission is $5 every day. Adult admission is $5 on Thursday and Friday, $10 on Saturday, and $15 on Sunday. Parking is free.

Winter Equestrian Festival Dates:

(Each week runs Wednesday through Sunday beginning at 8:00 AM)

Bayer Gold Coast Classic - January 29 - February 2
Wellington Dressage – January 30 – February 2
Kilkenny/ICH Internationale – February 5 – 9
Florida Classic/WCHR Spectacular – February 12 – 16
Florida Dressage Classic –February 13 - 16
Zada Enterprises, LLC Wellington Masters – February 19 – 23
Tommy Bahama Palm Beach Open – February 26 – March 2
Cosequin Wellington Finale – March 5 – 9
Zada Enterprises, LLC WEF Dressage Classic – March 13 – 16


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