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Zilco Saves The Day!

Carriage driver Dennis Williams was in a tight spot when his driving harness went astray in the post. He was due to start film work for the BBC near his Buckinghamshire home, with his pair of Welsh Cobs.

Harness suppliers Zilco Europe from Oxford, to help the situation, sped down the motorway to lend him a brand new set of harness. So filming was able to continue as planned.

Happily, the missing harness turned up a couple of days later, but he could not use it! The harness loaned by Zilco was black, and the lost harness was brown. And in the world of film and television, continuity is very important!

So filming continued with the black harness, to keep everyone happy!

Info supplied by Fiona Tedman, harness maker and director of Zilco Europe Ltd.

Zilco Europe Ltd.
PO Box 385
Oxford OX3 9SR
Tel. 00 44 (0)1865 351128
Fax 00 (0)1865 351625

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