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Alliance Worldwide Offers Exclusive Travel Packages For 100th U.S. Open Championships Final Weekend At International Polo Club Palm Beach

WELLINGTON, Florida - A limited number of exclusive luxury travel packages are available for the final weekend of the 100th U.S. Open Championships, the most prestigious polo tournament in North America, at the new International Polo Club Palm Beach.
The U.S. Open final weekend is Friday, April 16 through Sunday, April 18.

The three-night packages include rooms at either The Breakers or The Colony, two of the most renowned properties in Palm Beach, as well as tickets to the polo matches and transportation to and from the hotels for all functions held at the polo club. Airfare and car rentals are not included in the package.

The weekend's activities begin on Friday evening, with a spectacular Centennial Celebration cocktail reception and dinner party at the International Polo Club. Many polo players and patrons will be in attendance.

Saturday's activities include tickets to a fantastic tailgate festival at International Polo Club at 1 p.m. and tickets to the U.S. Open consolation final for third place, which begins at 3 p.m.

On Sunday, guests are invited to enjoy a delicious champagne brunch at the Grand Marquee, catered by The Breakers, at 1:30 p.m. and tickets to the U.S. Open final, which starts at 3 p.m. The packages also include plenty of leisure time for shopping, golf, tennis or just relaxing.

The cost is $895 per person at The Breakers, based on double occupancy and $551 per person at The Colony, based on double occupancy. The deadline for reservations is March 8. For information about the trip, including air reservations and car reservations, please call Alliance Worldwide at (800) 962-0248 or via email at

The U.S. Open will be played on the International Polo Club Palm Beach's five world-class Bermuda-grass playing fields and teams will also take advantage of the many private fields in Wellington.

"There's no place like Wellington or Palm Beach. This is the mecca of polo," said John Goodman, who founded the International Polo Club Palm Beach and is patron of the Isla Carroll team that will be playing in the U.S. Open. "I think everybody comes here to win and compete at the highest levels.

"We want people to feel comfortable," added Goodman. "You can get dressed up as much as you want or you can come in jeans and a t-shirt. It's a place for families to come and enjoy the sport and grow together."

Historically, the U.S. Open has always been the grand prize of polo in North America. It is one of only three tournaments played at the 26-goal echelon, the highest-rated tournament in the United States. The first U.S. Open title game was played in 1904 at Van Cortland Park in New York City where the Wanderers defeated the Freebooters 4 ½-3, the lowest scoring final in the history of the tournament.

For ticket information for the U.S. Open, please call the club at (561) 204-5687 or visit the website at The International Polo Club Palm Beach is located at 3667 120th Avenue South, between Pierson Road and Lake Worth Road in Wellington.


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