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Americana at Augsburg - September 8-12, 2004: Top Events with very attractive prizes

Special events: EWU-Superhorse and Americana World Open Trail

With its proven mixture of superb sport, horse fair and entertainment, the "Americana 12th World Open Championship" is known to be the number one western riding event of Europe. Especially the reining and cutting -classes have gained world wide reputation and have been attracting top class reiners and cutters from all over the world. This time, the AMERICANA showmanagement also enlarged the other disciplines. Besides the renowned EWU-Superhorse event, there will be a EUR 6000.-(add.) trail - probably the largest sum of prize money ever offered in a trail in Europe.

The Erste Westernreiter Union Deutschland (EWU) and Americana invite to the EUR 2000.-- Superhorse event, a demanding show with elements of four disciplines which will take place shortly before the Reining-Night with the NRHA Bronze Trophy Open Final - on Thursday September 9, 2004. The Superhorse will be organized as one show combined with final (without a go). Visitors can look forward to a great show with lots of suspense.

The EUR 6000,-- (added) "Americana World Open Trail all ages" will offer more prize money than any European trail class before. It is supported by the German Quarter Horse Association (DQGA), the VWB and the ApHCG. The class is open to all participants including youth and senior riders. The Go will be on September 5 (the Americana starts that day with the gos before the show is open to visitors) -the final starts on the last day of the AMERICANA shortly before the lunch break. The best European rider of this class will be proclaimed European Champion Americana World Open Trail.

Anybody interested in western riding and ‚cowboy-flair' should visit the AMERICANA as well as all those interested in buying new equipment or clothes at the international fair. For the visitor, there will be five days of nonstop first-class sport, big show and entertainment. The show management expects more than 50,000 visitors, so anybody interested in visiting the AMERICANA should buy his or her tickets very soon - in the last years, especially the evening shows were sold out months before the show.

The various reining classes offer more than EUR 50,000, the most important being the NRHA-USA Lawson Bronze Trophy Open with EUR 30,000 Euro added. This Bronze Trophy might make the final decision who will become NRHA World Champion Open 2004. Also, there will be several ther top events: the official European Championship of the European Cutting Horse Association offering EUR 22,000.-added, the European Championship in Working Cow Horse and The Reined Cow Horse Futurity of the European Reined Cow Horse Association offering EUR 16,000.--. The Finals of these events will be combined with top show and entertainment programme in the three evening shows.

Visitors of the AMERICANA can buy western riding equiment and any kind of western outfit at the fair with 200 exhibitors. There will also be a daily 'Western Forum ' in hall 4 with informative 'clinics' and presentations of several of the best western trainers. And of course, western riders and fans meet in the "Red Grizzly Saloon" and the Western Town at the end of the day.

Book your tickets now

Tickets are available via internet or can be ordered by phone at the Americana-ticket service (phone no. 01805-860700501). Please refer to the AMERICANA website for further information like schedule and nomination forms.

If you need informations about the programme please contact:

Horst Geier / Joachim W. Bochmann
+49 4209-4488


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