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Americana in Augsburg September 8-12, 2004
Tickets now available

Although the go-rounds start on September 5 already, the Americana is open to visitors from September 8 to 12, 2004 only. Tickets are available now. Anybody interested in the sports events or the western fair should book tickets very soon. In past years, the showarena 'Schwabenhalle' was quickly sold out especially during the highlights and the evening shows.

For visitors, the Americana starts on September 8 at 7.30 a.m. with the go of the ECHA European Cutting Championship Open. A lot of competitors from all over Europe are expected, so the go should run until noon. After that, there will be the finals of the NRHA Freestyle Reining Open and Non-Pro as well as the Go-round in Reined Work of the ERCHA Reined Cow Horse Futurity. The final class of this Wednesday will be the Go-Round of the NRHA Bronze Trophy Reining Open. Half of the total purse of about EUR 50,000.-will be paid in the reining classes, the most important being the NRHA-USA Lawson Bronze Trophy with EUR 30,000.-added.

The spezial highlights of the next days will be the evening shows. On Thursday, September 9, there will be the "Reining Night", on Friday, September 10, the "Cow Horse Night" with the of the ERCHA Reined Work and Cow Work as well as the Senior Pleasure. The "Cattle Night" will follow on Saturday, September 11, with the finals of the ECHA European Cutting Championship Open and the Dry and Fence Work in Working Cowhorse.

Besides top sport, the Americana is famous because of its horse fair. More tha 240 exhibitors will offer western equipment, clothes, jewelry and much more - anything a western horse lover could ask for. Every day, famous western horse trainers will show their methods and answer questions in the "Western Forum" in hall 4.

Tickets are available under , where you will also find further information about the Americana like schedule and nomination forms.

For further informations about the sports program please contact:
Horst Geier / Joachim W. Bochmann
Tel.: 07004 2637 422 or call from outside of Germany +49 4209-4488


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